Somerset health and wellbeing in learning programme Promoting healthy outcomes for children and young people through education Teresa Day – Health and Wellbeing Education Advisor Fiona Moir – Public Health Advisor (Children and Young People)
NHS Changes GPs will be in charge of planning and buying health services for patients. Somerset has formed a Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) made up of seven GP federations Currently, the PCT is responsible for planning and buying health and social care services in Somerset. The CCG will officially take over this role from April 2013.
Public Health ‘Promoting and protecting health and wellbeing, preventing ill-health and prolonging life through the organised efforts of society’ From 2013 the funding for Public Health will move into LA Public Health will no longer be part of the NHS, the budget will be ring-fenced within the LA and spending will be driven by local need Public Health Outcomes Framework – Healthy Lives, Healthy People 2013 – 2016
Public Health Domains 1)Improving the wider determinants of health Improvements against wider factors that affect health and wellbeing and health inequalities Children in poverty School readiness Pupil absence Domestic abuse Homelessness Social connectedness People with mental illness Disability
Public Health Domains 2) Health Improvement People are helped to live healthier lifestyles and make healthier choices Under 18 conceptions Childhood obesity Smoking prevalence Physical activity Drugs and alcohol
Public Health Domains 3) Health Protection The populations health is protected from major incidents and other threats Air pollution Infectious diseases - HIV, Chlamydia Plans for sustainable development Major Incidents
Public Health Domains 4) Healthcare, public health and preventing premature mortality Reduced numbers of people living with preventable ill health and people dying prematurely Infant mortality Tooth decay in children Liver disease Cancer Cardiovascular Excess winter deaths Suicide
Responsibility of Public Health Joint Strategic Needs Assessment - data collection exercise to map out local need Health and Wellbeing Board to drive local commissioning of PH services Provide the NHS with Public Health advice re: clinical commissioning (what the GPs spend their money on)
What does this mean for schools? Domain 1 - Improving the wider determinants of health Possible impact of child poverty Health: poor diet, obesity, malnourishment, smoking, alcohol and drug misuse, mental health issues, sexual health issues School: attendance, behaviour, attainment, school readiness, socialisation and bullying
What we provide Dedicated knowledge and support of evidence- based work - Local, regional & national Website/ Health information ‘Hub’ Workforce development and training Targeted Level Intervention and DPH Award Pupil Survey - Evidence of local need Interface with commissioning bodies
Attendance Promoting Healthy Relationships - RSE Training programme, specific information ‘hub’ and school based reviews Promoting Mental Health – Launching The 5 Ways to Wellbeing evidence- based practice for pupils, staff and parents Promoting Engagement – targeted work with identified groups i.e. Young carers, children in care, vulnerable young people Preventing Substance Misuse - Drugs...and Stuff! Resource launch and training event Engaging Parents - Crystal Project Delivering a clear message to support challenging behaviour Tackling Cyber Bullying and promoting E-safety – Schools Safety Event Promoting Emotional Literacy - Philosophy For Children/ Take Art & NHS Partnership
Ofsted – New Framework for Inspection Key Judgement - Behaviour and Safety Policy and practice – What are the pathways for support? Attendance and punctuality – How can schools improve engagement? Bullying – How do schools respond and what are the mechanisms for support? The experience of particular individual and identified groups
Across all Key Judgments ‘What consideration is given to spiritual, moral, social and cultural development of pupils’ Approach to the curriculum Plus wider aspects: Personal development and wellbeing Equipping pupils with skills for the next stage of living and learning