The enrichment of the state EFL books for primary and secondary education
Make the book more attractive to ‘digital natives’ Satisfy students with different needs and interests Comply with ‘multiple intelligences’ theory Easy access at books at any time Use interactive boards IWBs
Glossary for each book Online listening tasks Educational games (Edugames) Tests British council material Digital stories
Hangman Crossword Blank Tank (Cloze ) Anagram Double Jeopardy Triple Jeopardy Go figure (Jumble order) EZ Match (Match the words)
Mystery games (Lost in the museum, Guess where) Wordmine (Hidden words) Jumble Jungle (Jungled order)
Less time to deal with vocabulary Listening tasks are easier Revise material using edugames
Students can listen again to listening tasks as well as texts Students can play the edugames Students can revise vocabulary easily
p/DSDIM-B100/497/3232,13138/ (junior high school bclass advanced book enriched) p/DSDIM-B100/497/3232,13138/ (the Greek Digital Learning Object Repository (LOR) for primary and secondary education) p/DSDIM- B100/497/3234,13142/extras/EduGames/2GP_U2_L4_Anagra m/2GP_U2_L4_Anagram.html (example of games-anagram) p/DSDIM- B100/497/3234,13142/extras/EduGames/2GP_U2_L4_Anagra m/2GP_U2_L4_Anagram.html