Today Hear information about courses and graduation requirements Receive course catalog 1 st day Choose career focus and courses for next year Review Education Plan 2 nd day Turn in selection sheet, signed by parent/guardian
World History January 27 Smith/Ezell/ Scharbor January 28 Dunn/Mangum January 29 Harrell Miller English: January 20 Couture/Nabholz Kordsmeier/Rice January 21 Paglianite/Spir. January 22 Cochran
English – 4 units Math* – 4 units Algebra I Geometry Algebra II Pre-Cal or Alg III Science* – 3 units Physical Science Biology Chemistry, Physics or Physics in Context * - requirements differ for those not completing the Smart Core Social Studies – 3 units ½ unit Civics / ½ unit Economics American History World History Physical Education – ½ unit Health – ½ unit Fine Arts – ½ unit Oral Communication – ½ unit Career Focus/Electives – 7 units TOTAL – 23 units
Required of your class to be eligible for Arkansas Academic Challenge Scholarship (lottery scholarship) Our graduation requirements, with 4 th math higher than Algebra II 3 rd science must be Chemistry, Physics, or PIC For the Challenge, must also have 2.5 GPA or 19 ACT
Complete smart core graduation requirements (PIC will not count for honor graduate) Earn cumulative 3.5 GPA or higher by end of seven semesters Complete two units of the same foreign language
Required for honor graduates Required by some colleges
College Writing (English 12) – seniors only UCA Oral Communications College Algebra – GPA > 3.0 ACT at least 19 composite, 19 Reading, and 19 in subject area
Agriculture Horticulture Natural Resource Systems Army Junior Reserve Officer Training Corp (JROTC) Business Accounting Banking Digital Communications Entrepreneurship Hospitality Programming Web Design Family and Consumer Science Childcare Guidance Education and Training Family and Consumer Science Culinary Arts Photography Technical and Professional Automotive Collision Repair Computer Engineering Construction Technology Cosmetology Drafting and Design Medical Professions Welding **Career Focus completer is not required for graduation. Completers will be identified and will receive black cords to wear at graduation.
See pages 9-11 for career focus. Select the career focus that most interests you before you meet with your counselor. Read the course descriptions to help you choose the best classes. Discuss your choices with parent/guardian. Come prepared with course selections.
In case of conflicts with other classes In case a class of less than 15 students doesn’t “make” In case of failure of prerequisite If none listed, we will choose for you!
Conway High School’s schedule change procedures are listed on page 5 of the course catalog. No “changes of mind” will be allowed. A class can be dropped for a study hall during the first four weeks of school IF the student does not already have a study hall.
If it is required for graduation, you have to make it up in summer school or credit recovery (space limited in CR lab). Summer school costs $150 per ½ credit. Seniors are given priority in CR lab, after all remediation for EOC’s. CR lab is open Monday – Thursday after school until 4:00 p.m.
HOMEWORK! Study Career Focus pages (9-11) in the course catalog. Choose the one that interests you most. DUE: The first day you meet with your counselor! Be prepared with course selections when you meet with your counselor. Choose several alternates and prioritize them. Bring your course catalog with you!!!
See Your Counselor Academic Issues Personal Issues College & Career Information