O BJECTIVE : Engineers, doctors, accountants, lawyers, etc… must obtain an accredited degree tailored toward their profession as a qualification for licensure. Established professions. Environmental management is maturing as a profession. Current certification requires baccalaureate degree or science related baccalaureate degree. The objective of this workshop is to develop a framework for a single, recognized undergraduate degree for environmental professionals.
C URRENT U NDERGRADUATE B ACKGROUND OF E NVIRONMENTAL M ANAGERS 1 62%Science 20% Engineering/Technology 9% Professional degrees (science related) 5% Management 4%Other 1 source: Morelli, John. “Environmental Professional Questionnaire.” Survey. April 2, 2009.
S KILL S ETS : M ANAGERIAL VS. T ECHNICAL Results of onsite and web-based surveys Typical tasks required of environmental managers Weighted by the frequency of those tasks Context Regulatory compliance Sustainable society
S KILL S ETS : M ANAGERIAL VS. T ECHNICAL Onsite workshops Corvinus University of Budapest, June % - Managerial 25% - Technical American College of Management and Technology (ACMT Dubrovnik), October % - Managerial 48% - Technical ~ 3% shift towards managerial skills with sustainable society context
S KILL S ETS : M ANAGERIAL VS. T ECHNICAL Surveys RIT EHS Leadership Session, November % - Managerial 47% - Technical ~ 3% shift towards managerial skills with sustainable society context Online survey, Spring % - Managerial 38% - Technical ~2% shift towards managerial skills with sustainable society context
S UMMARY OF T ODAY ’ S E NVIRONMENTAL M ANAGER 82% to 91% have technical undergraduate education 62% Science 20% Engineering/Technology 9% Science related professional degree Educational requirements for professional certification Non-specific Baccalaureate OR Baccalaureate or equivalent degree in physical, earth or natural science, engineering, or mathematics. Skill sets required ~60% managerial ~40% technical 2% to 4% shift towards managerial skills when considering sustainable society
U NDERGRADUATE E DUCATION S UBJECT A REAS General Education (%50) Math Science Liberal Arts Professional Courses (50%) Management Technical
G ENERAL E DUCATION – L IBERAL A RTS General writing LOTS Technical writing LOTS Business writing LOTS Historical Perspectives of the Environment public presentation and speech Sociology Philosophy Economic Ethics Research methodology
G ENERAL E DUCATION – S CIENCE Biology – 1 year through Chemistry – 1 year through organic chemistry Physics – general (algebra based) Earth science/hydrology/geology Ecology G ENERAL E DUCATION – M ATH College algebra/pre-calculus Statistics Basic calculus
P ROFESSIONAL E DUCATION Management Environmental law Regulatory systems Management systems Organization management/change/behavior Environmental/public policy Project management (environmental focus) Accounting Business principles Business sustainability Marketing
P ROFESSIONAL E DUCATION Technical Air (1 or more) Water (1 or more) Solid and Hazardous waste (1 or more) Occupational safety Occupational health/Industrial hygiene Energy Transportation (energy and pollutants) Land use Impact analysis Risk assessment Toxicology Electives for concentrations