Faculty and Advisers’ Meeting August 22, 2006
Outline Introductions New Student Statistics/Enrollment Academic Programs Celebrations Career Services Wolfpack Welcome Week & Lunch
Welcome New Faculty New Advisers New Undergraduate Coordinators
Dr. William H. Swallow, Statistics Alumni Undergraduate Distinguished Professor Dr. Brenda Alston-Mills Assistant Dean for Diversity Programs Opening Doors… September The Summit at Haw River State Park Register by September 4
Number of Entering Students Academic Year (estimated) Agricultural Institute Undergraduates External Transfers Masters Doctoral668898
Enrollment Academic Year (estimated) Agricultural Institute Undergraduates3,5793,6983,7493,815 Masters Doctoral TOTAL4,7054,8374,9495,045
Quality of the Freshmen Class (Fall 2006) CALSNC State SAT Scores % in Top 10% of HS Class 42 %39 % HS GPA
Quality of the Freshmen Class (Fall 2006) 16 Park Scholars 14 Jefferson Scholars 30University Honors Participants 88 University Scholars Represents 19% of Beginning Students
Agricultural Institute
CALS Distance Education Program Academic Year Number of Departments Offering DE Courses 20 of 21 CALS Departments offered a DE course during the AY
CALS Distance Education Program Number of DE Sections Offered Academic Year 44 Different Courses were Offered During the Academic Year * Does not include summer 2006
CALS Distance Education Program Number of Enrollment in CALS’ DE Courses Academic Year * Does not include summer 2006
CALS Distance Education Program Number of SCHs from CALS’ DE Courses Academic Year * Does not include summer 2006
Curriculum Changes Minor Curricula Revisions: –14 UG degree programs –2 UG minors –2 G degree programs New Courses: –16 UG courses –6 G courses
New Degree Programs Undergraduate: Nutritional Science Turfgrass Science Graduate: Masters in Human Development & Family Studies (joint with UNC-Greensboro) Ph.D. in Fisheries and Wildlife
New Degree Programs - DE Undergraduate Minor in Agribusiness Management Masters: –Human Development & Family Studies –Biological & Agricultural Engineering –Soil Science Graduate Certificate: –Horticultural Science –Design & Analysis of Environmental Systems – Watershed Assessment and Restoration
Continuation of Undergraduate Enrollment (suspension regulation) REG (suspension regulation) REG Effective for students beginning Fall 2004 semester Effective for all students beginning with the Fall Credit HoursMinimum Required GPA 1 – or more2.00
Readmission of Former and Academically Suspended UG Students Louis D. Hunt Vice Provost Enrollment Management and Services University Registrar Readmission of Students Eligible to Continue Readmission of Academically Suspended Students Readmissions Based on Appeals to the University Admissions Committee –First, Second, Third Notice of Suspension –Alternative Readmission Program Contractual Readmission (Student Handbook, pg. 8-10)
Academic Programs Undergraduate Semester Course Load Waiver –Students who want to register for more than 18 credit hours, fall/spring must have adviser sign the form and return it to R&R –Students who wish to exceed 21 hours must complete the Schedule Revision form ALS 103 –Freshmen in fall; spring (under 45 or fewer semester hours) –ALS 103H: University Scholars and University Honors –Transfer students: ALS 303 fall and spring Professional Development and Career Opportunities in Agriculture and Life Sciences (transfers with 45+ hours or more) –Department sessions: November 1,2 & 8,9, 2006 ALS Club & Majors Fair: WEDNESDAY, August 30 Talley Student Center Ballroom 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
Professional Opportunities Teaching & Advising Seminars –Advising Transfer & Non-Traditional Students Sept. 7 (3:00 – 4:30) Sept. 8 (10:30 – 12:00) –NCSU 2 nd Annual Scholarship of Teaching September 14 – 15, 2006 (Reg. by September 6) NACTA Membership 2007 Conference Site –University of Illinois: June 20-27
Academic Programs Celebrations !
Board of Governors’ Award for Excellence in Teaching Gerald Van Dyke Department of Plant Biology
Alumni Distinguished Undergraduate Professor Award William C. Grant Department of Zoology Arnold W. Oltmans Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics
Alumni Distinguished Graduate Professor Award Frank A. Blazich Department of Horticultural Science
2006 Outstanding Teachers D. Barry Croom Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Elizabeth Wilson Department of Agricultural and Extension Education Brian E. Farkas Department of Food Science
CALS Outstanding Academic Adviser Award William C. Grant Department of Zoology Sarah L. Ash Department of Food Science
CALS Outstanding Graduate Instructor Dean Hesterberg Department of Soil Science
NC State New Adviser Award Anita Flick Director, Health Professions Advising Biological Sciences Program
Providing health professions advising and mentoring for all NCSU students interested in healthcare careers 2719 Bostian Hall Open M – F 9:00 – 3:00 Phone: (919) Website:
Ms. Marcy Bullock, Director Ms. Tricia Buddin, Assistant Director
WOLFPACK WELCOME WEEK TUESDAY, AUGUST 22,2006 (Brickyard behind Polk Hall and Grassy Area) 12:00CALS students “Storm the Halls” and escort new students to the Brickyard 12:30 – 3:00BBQ sandwich lunch and CALS T-shirt distribution – First 500 !! CALS College Connection Activities: Music and Entertainment Meet CALS Leaders at their Booths CALS Own NCSU Ice Cream 3:00 --Departmental Activities