Wrestling Drills Wrestling Drills
Stance& Position Square Stance
Stance& Position Square Stance Feet appox. shoulder width apart Shoulders over knees Back Straight Head up Elbows in Palms slightly down
Stance& Position Staggered Stance
Stance& Position Staggered Stance Shoulder, knee, toe all in line Back Straight Head up Elbows in Palms slightly down
Motion / Stance Drills Motion Freeze Drills 1.Move around in stance (Points of emphasis) a. Maintain good position b. Short choppy steps (4 to 6 inches at a time) c. Hands and feet move together 2. Stop all movement on the coach’s whistle (Points of emphasis) a. are you in good position? 1. head up? 2. elbows in? 3. etc 3. Continue movement on coach’s whistle 4. Stop movement on coach’s whistle and reevaluate your position
Motion / Stance Drills Motion w/ Level Change Freeze Drills 1.With a partner move around in stance changing levels. (Points of emphasis) a. Maintain good position b. Short choppy steps (4 to 6 inches at a time) c. Hands and feet move together d. when you and your partner are close to one another your levels should be similar 2. Stop all movement on the coach’s whistle (Points of emphasis) a. are you in good position? a. head up? b. elbows in? c. whose has better position and level? c. etc 3. Continue movement on coach’s whistle 4. Stop movement on coach’s whistle and reevaluate your position
Quick Drill for Getting into and Developing Stance
Wrestling Drills: Team movement
Wrestling Drills: Shot and Sprawl Follow the leader
Team Movement Drill: Sprawling and Down Blocking 1.The team line ups in rows facing the coach 2.The team moves in proper stance 3.If the coach raises both hands the team sprawls 4.If the coach raises his right hand the team down blocks on their left side 5.If the coach raises his left hand the team down blocks on their right side
Wrestling Drills: Tie ups, head pressure and move your opponent
Stance Drills and Hand Fighting with Elbow Control
Wrestling Drills: Elbow control to defend headlock
Wrestling Drills: Break a Collar Tie
Wrestling Drills: Motion
Wrestling Drills : Penetration
Wrestling Drills: Penetration w/ Follow Through
Wrestling Drills: Penetration against the wall
Shoe Lace Game Opposing wrestlers try to touch each others shoes laces. Once one wrestler touches the others shoe laces they shake hands and play again. The winner is first to three. This teaches sprawling, body awareness, foot speed, sprawling and how to use your weight against your opponent..
Wrestling Drills: Tie up control to a Single Leg
Wrestling Drills: Tie-up control to a High Crotch
Wrestling Drills: Single Shoot and Spin
Wrestling Drills: Zone work
Wrestling Drills: Counter Attack
Wrestling Drills: Shot & Sprawl & Reshot
Wrestling Drills: Countdown to take downs
Wrestling Drills: Pop under to a double leg
Wrestling Drills: Peekout
Wrestling Drills: Extended double leg
Single Leg takedown w/ lift partner drill
Wrestling Drills: Speed takedowns
Wrestling Drills – Finishing Stalled Singles
Wrestling Drills: Head in the Hole “Front Head Lock”
Wrestling Drills: Foot sweeps
Wrestling Drills: Pummel Drill
Wrestling Drills: Pummel Drill w/ Arm Drag
Wrestling Drills: Russian Tie to cross Low Level Single
Wrestling Drills: Russian Tie to Double Leg
Wrestling Drills: Tricep Duckunder
Wrestling Drills: Head Snap to Arm Drag
Wrestling Drills: Backstep
Wrestling Drills: Sit-out Turn-In
Wrestling Drills: Sit-out / Hip Heist Escape
Wrestling Drills: Standup / Lift & Bring Back Down
Wrestling Drills: Sit-out To Stand Up
Wrestling Drills: Sit-out To Wrist Roll
Wrestling Drills: Tight waist Far Ankle and Up Escape
Mat Drills "KING OF THE MAT" put a GROUP on the mat, & the last one LEFT on the mat WINS! Only rule was that they must NOT stand up. NOTE: It was "interesting" to see how 2 or 3 would "team up" & try to shove the TOUGHEST kids off the mat (which made them even tougher)! Goals, #1. To pin your opponents back to the mats or #2 push your opponents out of the circle.
Wrestling Drills: Loading Drill
Wrestling Drills: Knee Slide Stand Up Escape
Wrestling Drills: Spiral / Round the Head Punch Arm Through
Wrestling Drills: Cement Mixer
Dot Drills – Foot Speed
Dot Drills – Foot Speed (Continued) 3. Left Foot A.You will end the right foot drill on Dot B. Now go to Dot C with your left foot. B.Now go in order: Dot E D C A B C.Repeat 5 more times
Warm-up Drills: Hand Springs
Warm-up Drills: Front Arch to a Hand Spring
Warm-up Drills: Back Arch w/ Spin
Warm-up Drills: Bridge Front to Back
Warm-up Drills: Partner Lift w/ Arching
Warm-up Drills: Monkey Rolls / Log rolls
Chest-to-Back Spin – One person gets on his hands and knees. The other person sprawls out on top with his chest on the bottom man's back. The top man then spins around while keeping his weight on the bottom man. Be sure to go in both directions. A variation includes rapid changes in direction. Do this when the instructor gives the command or when your opponent reaches up with one hand and stops your progress.
Sumo Wrestling Two wrestlers start facing each other in a 3 point stance in the small inter-circle. They charge each other in an attempt to push one another out of the circle or take the opposing wrestlers down. Fun alternative to “In Season wrestling”