Science Fair Success A Guide for Teachers, Parents, and Other Mentors of Future Scientists
I. GOALS of Science Fair Safety Opportunity to experience “good science” Promotion of critical thinking Promotion of science as a career
II. RULES Established by: ISEF (International Science and Engineering Fair) SSEF ( Florida State Science and Engineering Fair) - affiliated with ISEF RSEF ( Regional Science and Engineering Fair) - affiliated with ISEF and SSEF
III.Science Fair Project Procedure for Teachers and Parents* Familiarize yourself with the ISEF and SSEF rules *; Introduce the concept of science research and its process to your students; Discuss opportunity to enter project in science fair competition *; Supply your students with copies of the ISEF and SSEF rules and discuss the requirements with your students, including the extra paperwork required for “sensitive” projects (those dealing with human subjects, vertebrates, potential pathogens, tissues, controlled substances, recombinant DNA, or hazardous substances);
Have students clear project ideas with you and make sure they understand the related paperwork that the project requires *; After you have approved the project idea, have the student submit a detailed procedure to you for approval; After you have approved the procedure, have the student fill out forms 1, 1A, and 1B as well as any additional forms needed for their specific project; Check their additional required forms (#2-#7) for completeness and compliance with the rules before you approve the project [have students obtain required signatures on forms 2, 3, and 6 only after you have approved them];
If approved, sign forms 1 and 1B (on 1B, only Part 1a, b, and c should be signed at this time) *; Have students obtain signatures on forms 2, 3, and 6 as needed and return all forms to you; For projects not requiring further approval you should return the original paperwork to the student and permit them to proceed with their research. Submit “sensitive” project paperwork to your SRC/IRB for approval (double check these to verify detailed research plans and completed forms) After the project paperwork has been approved by your SRC/IRB and returned to the student, they may begin their research. Forms 4, 5A or 5B should be signed at this time
IV. SRC / IRB Review Committees go through 2 review processes: 1 – All sensitive* area projects must be reviewed and approved prior to start of research * Human subjectsNonhuman Vertebrates Potential PathogensRecombinant DNA Hazardous SubstancesControlled Substances Human and Nonhuman Vertebrate Animal Tissue 2 – Prior to competition all projects are reviewed
SRC/IRB Committees Responsible for local, RSEF, SSEF, and ISEF project appraisal and evaluation SRC/IRB composition: - Biomedical scientist (in field appropriate to project) - Science teacher - School administrator Must be aware of ISEF rules Members may not have connection with any competing project
V. HIGHLIGHTS General This project year includes research conducted over a maximum, continuous 12-month period between Jan ’04 and May ’05. All projects must adhere to the following Ethics Statement: Scientific fraud and misconduct are not condoned at any level of research or competition. Plagiarism, use or presentation of other researcher’s work as one’s own, forgery of approval signatures and fabrication or falsification of data will not be tolerated. Fraudulent projects will fail to qualify for competition in affiliated fairs or the ISEF.
Research plans, especially those for “sensitive” projects, must be stated in great detail. Any continuing project must document that the additional research is new and significantly different from prior work (the focus of research must change).
Human Subjects All must be approved by an IRB prior to research. Human subjects Form #4 replaces old forms #4a/#4b Must have appropriate adult supervision Common Problems: - QS not “qualified” - Missing QS or DS - Form #4 problems – incomplete, risks insufficiently assessed, subject’s responses filled out prematurely - Copies of surveys or tests not included - Project plan too invasive or hazardous - No human research reference in bibliography - Research plan lacks detail
Controlled or Hazardous Substances All must be approved by an SRC prior to research. Adult supervision (QS and/or DS) is required Proper permitting Detailed research plan Common Problems: - No SRC approval - Permits missing - No Forms #2 (QS) or #3 (DS) - MSDS not cited in bibliography - Unsafe practices
Nonhuman Vertebrates All must be approved by an SRC prior to research. New forms 5A and 5B replace old form 5 The use of alcohol, acid rain, insecticide, herbicide, and heavy metals in toxicity or behavioral studies on live vertebrates is prohibited. Experimental procedures that cause unnecessary pain or discomfort on any vertebrate animal are prohibited. Common Problems: - No SRC prior approval - Research plan incomplete or lacks detail - Form #5 problems – Genus/species omitted, no review by vet, improper or missing entries - Lack of collection permit
Common Problems (cont’d): - Use of invasive procedures - LD 50 exceeded - Procurement from pet store for non-behavioral study - Appropriate animal care reference missing - IACUC (Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee) approval missing (5B only) - Improper release plan
Human / Nonhuman Vertebrate Tissues Most must be approved by an SRC prior to research. Human tissue studies where the tissue samples can be identified with a specific person must have IRB review and informed consent. Must supply Form #6 Detailed research plan required Appropriate adult supervision is required (QS and/or DS) Common problems: - No prior approval - overstating involvement in harvesting of tissues - use of uncertified body fluids - lack of detailed research plan
Potential Pathogens All must be approved by an SRC prior to research. Procedures may not be performed in the home. Studies on microorganisms with multiple antibiotic resistance must be conducted at a Registered Research Institution. Studies intending to produce microorganisms with multiple antibiotic resistance are prohibited. Common Problems: - Lack of detail in research plan (aseptic technique, safety, and disposal) - Research conducted at home - Poor technique / preparation
Common Problems (cont’d): - Lack of qualified QS or DS - Lab S.O.P. manual not cited in bibliography - Lack of understanding concerning “potential” pathogenicity
Recombinant DNA All must be approved by an SRC prior to research. Work must be done in an approved lab (Form #1C) Appropriate adult supervision required (QS and/or DS) Detailed research plan required Common problems: - Students should not handle ethidium bromide or gels stained with ethidium bromide. - No acknowledgment of potential pathogens - Claim of too much involvement in procedures - Insufficient supervision - No lab s.o.p. manual cited in bibliography - no discussion of safety procedures or disposal techniques in research plan
VI. Web Sites Collection of animals or plants from the environment: Biosafety see: “Biosafety in the Laboratory” or “1,2,3’s of Biosafety Levels” by Richmond Safe or approved microbes Chemical information Human research reference – “The Belmont Report”