SCIENCE FAIR PROJECT Project title Your name Your teacher’s name Your Room # /period Your school
ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Paragraph giving credit to those who have helped you with the project.
PROBLEM Type the question that you stated for your project.
HYPOTHESIS Possible answer or solution – your best educated idea/guess – to your problem. Should be 1 paragraph
VARIABLES Independent variable: The one that you purposely changed and tested. Dependent variable: The change observed because of the independent variable. Controlled variables: normal condition/situation/ experiment chosen by you to compare against.
MATERIALS List of the items you used to complete your experiments. Be specific about the amounts used in metric units (SI). Include pictures.
PROCEDURE List all of the steps used in completing your experiment. Number the steps. Add photos, pictures or diagrams to illustrate of your experiments.
RESULTS (DATA) Paste table and graph here. Make sure all data is clearly labeled. Tables and graphs must have titles
CONCLUSION Type a brief summary of what you discovered based on the results of your experiments. You need to indicate whether or not the data supports the hypothesis and explain why or why not. Give recommendations for future research. 5-8 sentences/paragraph At least 1 paragraph
REFERENCE LIST Include six (6) print and electronic in alphabetical order. Use APA style.