Science Fair
Agenda Expectations Expectations Dates Dates Requirements Requirements Application Form Application Form Exemplars Exemplars Grade 10 Science student (Speaker) Grade 10 Science student (Speaker) Judging Judging The Day of the Science Fair… The Day of the Science Fair… Miscellaneous information… Miscellaneous information…
Expectations All Senior 1 students are required to complete a Science Fair project. All Senior 1 students are required to complete a Science Fair project. Start early, don’t leave it until the last minute! Start early, don’t leave it until the last minute! You are not permitted class time for Science Fair. You are not permitted class time for Science Fair. You are allowed to work with one partner from your science class. You are allowed to work with one partner from your science class. All work must be your own (NO PLAGIARISM!!) All work must be your own (NO PLAGIARISM!!) Failure to complete a Science fair project will result in loss of credit. Failure to complete a Science fair project will result in loss of credit.
The location for Science Fair will be Junior Gym. The location for Science Fair will be Junior Gym. The date for Science Fair is Friday March 9, 07. The date for Science Fair is Friday March 9, 07.
Important dates You are required to submit your Science Fair registration sheet and obtain approval from your science teacher by Friday, January 22, 07. You are required to submit your Science Fair registration sheet and obtain approval from your science teacher by Friday, January 22, 07. Your experimental data (purpose, hypothesis, materials, method and data/observations) is due for inspection Monday, February 19, 07. Your experimental data (purpose, hypothesis, materials, method and data/observations) is due for inspection Monday, February 19, 07. Your Science-Fair-ready Science Fair project (backboards and any experimental material) is due in your science classroom Thursday, March 8, DO NOT bring a glue stick this day!! (Gluing should be performed at home) This is the day before the Science Fair. Your Science-Fair-ready Science Fair project (backboards and any experimental material) is due in your science classroom Thursday, March 8, DO NOT bring a glue stick this day!! (Gluing should be performed at home) This is the day before the Science Fair.
Failure to meet these deadlines will result in a loss of marks. Failure to meet these deadlines will result in a loss of marks. Each missed deadline will incur a 5 mark penalty to your final score. Each missed deadline will incur a 5 mark penalty to your final score. For example, if I scored 35/50 on my Science Fair project, but missed 2 deadlines, my final mark will be 25/50. For example, if I scored 35/50 on my Science Fair project, but missed 2 deadlines, my final mark will be 25/50.
Science Fair Requirements All S1 students are required to complete a Science Fair project. All S1 students are required to complete a Science Fair project. Failure to complete a project will result in a NM (no mark) on your report card, and consequently no credit will be issued for S1 science. Failure to complete a project will result in a NM (no mark) on your report card, and consequently no credit will be issued for S1 science. All Science Fair projects must be experimental. Always ask yourself: “What am I testing?” All Science Fair projects must be experimental. Always ask yourself: “What am I testing?”
An example of an experimental project would be: “Which brand of clear tape sticks the best”? An example of an experimental project would be: “Which brand of clear tape sticks the best”? An example of a research project would be: “Cancer” or “The Heart” or “Optical Illusions”, you get the idea! These are NOT allowed. An example of a research project would be: “Cancer” or “The Heart” or “Optical Illusions”, you get the idea! These are NOT allowed. Oh by the way, NO VOLCANOES PLEASE! Oh by the way, NO VOLCANOES PLEASE!.
Under no circumstances are you permitted to use live or dead animals in your project (this includes “bugs”, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and younger siblings). Under no circumstances are you permitted to use live or dead animals in your project (this includes “bugs”, fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals and younger siblings). No hazardous/dangerous chemicals or open flames will be permitted during the science fair. You may use these for your experiments, but they must remain at home. Consequently, you are required to take photographs for judging. No dangerous demonstrations! No hazardous/dangerous chemicals or open flames will be permitted during the science fair. You may use these for your experiments, but they must remain at home. Consequently, you are required to take photographs for judging. No dangerous demonstrations! Harmful organisms such as bacteria and viruses may not be used. Harmful organisms such as bacteria and viruses may not be used. Blood may not be used. Blood may not be used. Experiments with drugs or alcohol are not permitted. Experiments with drugs or alcohol are not permitted.
Registration Sheet Sisler High School Science Fair Registration Sheet Names: __________ _____________ Teacher:_______________ Title: ____________________________ Room # _______________ Electrical Outlet yes/no
Student Exemplars
Judging Your Science Fair project will be judged by Sisler High School staff and volunteers. Your Science Fair project will be judged by Sisler High School staff and volunteers. Judges marks are final! Judges marks are final! If a group is being judged in your locale do not interfere in any way. This includes: comments, gestures, making faces, rolling of eyes or adding your two cents, etc… If a group is being judged in your locale do not interfere in any way. This includes: comments, gestures, making faces, rolling of eyes or adding your two cents, etc…
Judging Criteria: Display Appearance/10 Display Appearance/10 Verbal Presentation/10 Verbal Presentation/10 Scientific Procedure/10 Scientific Procedure/10 Analysis of Results/10 Analysis of Results/10 Knowledge/Research/ Knowledge/Research/ Record keeping/10 Record keeping/10 /50 or /10% /50 or /10%
Display Appearance All information was relevant and clearly presented. All information was relevant and clearly presented. Presentation was extremely well organized Presentation was extremely well organized Main points were emphasized and reinforced with appropriate examples. Main points were emphasized and reinforced with appropriate examples.
Verbal Presentation The interest of the presenter(s) was exceptional as was their enthusiasm. The interest of the presenter(s) was exceptional as was their enthusiasm. All members contributed equally to the presentation. All members contributed equally to the presentation.
Scientific Procedure Project shows depth of study and effort. Project shows depth of study and effort. Sampling techniques and data collection are appropriate. Sampling techniques and data collection are appropriate. Conclusions are logical, based on the data collected and relevant to the hypothesis. Conclusions are logical, based on the data collected and relevant to the hypothesis.
Analysis of Results Shows consistent and thorough ability to analyze results. Shows consistent and thorough ability to analyze results. Understands the limitations of the study. Understands the limitations of the study. Suggests further studies to deepen their understanding of the topic. Suggests further studies to deepen their understanding of the topic.
Knowledge/Research & Record Keeping Has an excellent knowledge of the topic. Has an excellent knowledge of the topic. Has identified extension topics associated with the topic. Has identified extension topics associated with the topic. Information collected was well organized and synthesized into a coherent research paper. Information collected was well organized and synthesized into a coherent research paper.
The Day of the Science Fair! You will report to your homeroom as usual. You will remain in your homeroom until your class (section #) is called to the Junior Gym. You will take your Science Fair Project and any required materials to the assigned location and set up at your assigned table.
After set-up, all students will proceed to the Senior Gym for a Science Magic Show! Upon entering the gym, students are asked to sit on the bleachers and remain silent. After the show, students will return to the Junior Gym and align themselves with their projects.
You and your partner will remain at your assigned location until you are judged and photographed. If you are NOT at your project when the judge arrives, you will only be scored on display/ appearance! This will consequently result in a maximum mark of 10/50! You and your partner will remain at your assigned location until you are judged and photographed. If you are NOT at your project when the judge arrives, you will only be scored on display/ appearance! This will consequently result in a maximum mark of 10/50! Whilst waiting for the judge, you are NOT permitted (which means not allowed) to sit on tables! STAND by your projects before and after being judged! Whilst waiting for the judge, you are NOT permitted (which means not allowed) to sit on tables! STAND by your projects before and after being judged!
After your project is judged and you are photographed, you may either remain in the gym to view other projects or go to your English/Social Studies class to complete any course work. After your project is judged and you are photographed, you may either remain in the gym to view other projects or go to your English/Social Studies class to complete any course work. You are NOT permitted to be in the halls unsupervised during this time! You are NOT permitted to be in the halls unsupervised during this time! After the lunch hour break, listen carefully for announcements regarding second round judging. After the lunch hour break, listen carefully for announcements regarding second round judging.
Post Science Fair You are required to return to your Science Fair Project when instructed by announcements. You are required to return to your Science Fair Project when instructed by announcements. At this time you are required to CLEAN UP all materials used during the Science Fair. At this time you are required to CLEAN UP all materials used during the Science Fair. Two options: Two options: 1- TAKE HOME! (to retain for finals?) 1- TAKE HOME! (to retain for finals?) 2- RECYCLE! (if you choose this option, try to salvage the backboard by taking the papers off nicely– we’ll try to use it next year! We are prepared to refund $1.00 for any backboard that is reusable!!) 2- RECYCLE! (if you choose this option, try to salvage the backboard by taking the papers off nicely– we’ll try to use it next year! We are prepared to refund $1.00 for any backboard that is reusable!!)
You are also required to wash, fold, and stack your respective table. You are also required to wash, fold, and stack your respective table. Thank you in advance for your cooperation. Thank you in advance for your cooperation.
Frequently Asked Questions Q: Do we have to do a Science Fair Project? Q: Do we have to do a Science Fair Project? A: YES! A: YES! Q: Are we allowed to have partners? Q: Are we allowed to have partners? A: You may work with one partner from your science class. A: You may work with one partner from your science class. Q: When is the Science Fair? Q: When is the Science Fair? A: The Science Fair is Friday, March 9, 07. A: The Science Fair is Friday, March 9, 07. Q: Where do we get backboards? Q: Where do we get backboards? A: You can get a backboard from your teacher. The cost is $5.00 per board. Alternatively, you may purchase a backboard from a store like Staples (for more $$). A: You can get a backboard from your teacher. The cost is $5.00 per board. Alternatively, you may purchase a backboard from a store like Staples (for more $$).
Q: Where can we get special equipment? Q: Where can we get special equipment? A: Special equipment (glassware, chemicals, balances, etc.) can be supplied by your science teacher. Some equipment cannot leave the school so you will have to use it here under supervision. You are responsible any equipment you do take home. The replacement cost of lost equipment does not tend to be cheap! Do not wait too long to ask for equipment! It takes time to find certain items. No request for Science Fair equipment will granted after Monday, January 25, 07.
Q: Do we have to do a Science Fair Project? Q: Do we have to do a Science Fair Project? A: See question 1… A: See question 1…
For your information... This presentation will be accessible through the Sisler Science Web Site or type This presentation will be accessible through the Sisler Science Web Site or type Science Web SiteSisler Science Web Site There will be a display/workstation set up in the library for your convenience to view the presentation and look at examples of quality projects. There will be a display/workstation set up in the library for your convenience to view the presentation and look at examples of quality projects. Good luck, and have fun!! Good luck, and have fun!!