Housekeeping… From the Office Buzz in at the doors, and then sign in at the office. NO bus changes after 2:00 p.m. All car riders must be signed out by an adult/guardian every day. Parents must have permission from the office before visiting the classroom.
Expectations Complete Homework Do your personal best Be Respectful to classmates & adults Come to school ready to learn Arrive at school on time School starts at 8:40 promptly and ends at 3:30
Homework Students will have weekly math and spelling homework. It will be given on Monday and be due on Fridays. Students are also expected each week to read, study spelling words, and practice multiplication facts.
Math Homework- Fourth grade math homework is challenging. The homework will reflect what we have learned the past week. It is the students’ responsibility to write examples and take home notes to share. We constantly spiral back so the concept will be revisited. Parents are encouraged to check homework and have students make corrections. Most importantly fourth graders need to know multiplication facts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Spellography This year fourth grade students will continue using Spellography for spelling. This allows students to practice phonics skills. Students will be placed into spelling groups and be tested every other week.
4 th Grade Spelling Bee This year the district will be hosting the 2 nd Annual Spelling Bee. Students will be given a written spelling bee and the top 5 winners from each class will go on to the next level. The final round will be at Bonfils Auditorium. More information will be sent during the school year.
Your child will be given the STAR reading test three times this year. This test helps teachers determine your child’s reading fluency and story comprehension. If your child is reading below grade level their reading progress will be monitored using Dibels as well.
Dibels Benchmark Goals Beginning of Year: ORF 111 Middle of Year: ORF 130 End of Year: ORF 144 *ORF= oral reading fluency (words read in one minute)
Reading Skills Context Clues Inferences Dictionary Skills Resource (Atlas, Dictionary,etc) Comprehension Vocabulary Glossary Predictions
Book Reports Students will be utilizing the Accelerated Reading Program. To earn a Reading Circle Certificate students must read 12 Fiction 6 Non-Fiction Students are expected to pass three tests each month with 70% or higher.
Science Units Nature of Science Technology and Design Plants and Animals Ecosystems Electricity and Magnetism Earth’s Resources Properties of Matter Motion
Science Fair Fourth graders will complete a science fair project this year. They may work individually or in pairs. We will talk about the project step by step in class, but the project needs to be completed at home in accordance to the district guidelines. (detailed information can be found under the parent tab on the district website) Science fair boards will be available for purchase from the school.
Social Studies Construct and Interpret Maps Missouri Regions European and African Settlements Lewis and Clark/Louisiana Purchase/Thomas Jefferson Missouri Westward Expansion Civil War Famous Missourians Economics
Math Multiplication Facts Division Place Value Rounding Fractions Geometry
School Supply List 1 – Backpack 1 – Set of Headphones/Earbuds 1 – Scissors 1 – Box of 24 Count Crayons or Color Pencils 4 – Packages of #2 Pencils 3 – 3 Prong Plastic Folders with Pockets 2 – 4 pack Dry Erase Black Markers 1 – Package of Highlighters 4 – Glue Sticks 2 – Pink Eraser OR Pencil Top Erasers 2 – Boxes of Tissues 1 – 1.5 Inch Binder with Plastic Sleeve 1 – Set of 5 count Plastic Binder Tabs 2 – Wide Rule Spiral Notebooks 2 – Package Loose Leaf Paper 2 – Composition Notebooks (Wide Rule) 1 – Post – it Notes Boys – 1 – Box Ziplock Bags (Gallon) 1 – Bottle Hand Sanitizer 1 – Package of Blue Pens Girls – 1 – Package of Unscented Sanitizing Wipes 1 – Box Ziplock Bags (Quart or Sandwich) 1 – Package of Red Pens
The Test! 4 th graders will be taking a Missouri standardized test in the Spring. This standardized test is to measure student achievement by assessing student's level of performance as well as knowledge. In fourth grade our goal is to prepare each child fully throughout the entire year. As teachers we want each child to have life skills so that they will be successful citizens.
Parent Communication Communication is very important to us. Please feel free to us anytime with questions or concerns. Please make sure to check your regularly, as we often use this to send out reminders. Ms. Alfred Mrs. Ray Ms. Wilson **Please let us know if you prefer a different form of communication.