The world with Mathematics In search of new teaching methods of Mathematics and related subjects KA2 – Cooperation and Innovation for Good Practices
Project Start Date: Project End Date: The Municipality of Tarnobrzeg Subcarpathian Teachers' Education Centre in Rzeszów Middle School No. 3 in Tarnobrzeg Comune di Voghera Mathesis sezione di Pavia Liceo Statale Galileo Galilei Additional financing: ,00 €
The most relevant priorities: Revising and strengthening the professional profile of the teaching professions Improving the attainment of young people with low basic skills
Target groups: The main beneficiaries: Schoolchildren and teachers of the partner schools Sub-beneficiaries: Candidates to study in partner schools Teachers from other schools in partner regions
The main objectives: Creation of an open educational environment The creative exchange of ideas between the implementers of the project Interdisciplinary dimension of mathematics education The use of new generally accessible technical equipment at school Interaction with the closest neighbourhood Deepening the European development perspective
The actions planned: A collection of interdisciplinary mathematics and natural science exercises Study/analysis – research reports Learning/teaching/training materials Tests and experiments: recordings of demonstration experiments in physics, chemistry and biology using scientific laboratory Two schools, one topic. Comparative analysis of methods and teaching strategies used in Poland and Italy Educational events in the local environment Festival of science "The World with the Mathematics" The conference "Mathematics, natural and technical sciences in the past and today. Modern methods of teaching the subjects of mathematics and natural science" “The world with Mathematics” - Conference for teachers of Mathematics and natural science from the Subcarpathian province and Pavia province
The work plan
Meetings of the foreign partners In Poland: XI 2014, V 2015, V 2016 In Italy : II 2015, XI 2016, II 2016
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