Science Fair Information Spring 2010
When is Science Fair? Thursday, January 7 th Uh oh…. What do I have to do by then?
Today… (This is Checkpoint 5) Turn in your research paper. Please bring me a hard copy… yes, even if you ed a copy to me. Decide whether you would like your project to be presented in the school science fair to be judged and looked at for potentially going to the county science fair.
Option 1: Entering your project (This is Checkpoint 6) By Thursday: –You must have a written abstract along with your research paper and your paperwork in a folder –You must bring your composition logbook –You must have a completed tri-fold board
Option 2: NOT entering your project (This is Checkpoint 6) -Your research paper should be turned into me. Remember to get me a hard copy by tomorrow if you already ed it to me. -Complete a PowerPoint Presentation and have it submitted to me in paper format by Friday, January 15 th.
Want a look at the rubrics and other information? Please take a look at my website – an updated version has been placed on my website along with the rubrics I will be using to grade each part that is submitted.