Aristotle was born into a Macedonian royal family in a town called Stagira in the year 384 B.C. Aristotle and his dad almost had similar education professions but in there tradition they say that their skills as medical doctors were to be kept secret and handed down from father to son.
In 367 B.C. Aristotle was trained into medicine and later studied philosophy with Plato. When Plato died Aristotle was not able to become head of the Academy He spent a lot of time traveling and also studying biology, he spent time tutoring Alexander the great then later fled the country to escape being put to death
He went with Xenocrates to the court of Hermaines where he married his niece and adopted daughter Pythias his friend Hermaine was murdered in a rebellion then Aristotle went with his family Aristotle was a Greek Philosopher and famous for his influence to Western thoughts and also working with Plato and Alexander The Great and his Philosophical ideas
He was famous for creating the scientific method used in mathematics today and was inspired by his father for all the work that he had came up with Aristotle went to a school near a shrine in Apollo Lyceus where he later had moved to Greece because of his fear of being killed after his friends death
Aristotle tried to save the Athenians against the philosophy twice and he also had a great wealth of knowledge and wisdom but he later died there in 322 B.C from a digestive organs disease Aristotles work continues to provoke, inspire and inform.