History and Location Founded in 2015 by the UT System Located by Loma Alta Lake, Texas
Degree Programs B.A. in Spanish B.A. in French studies M.A. in Spanish B.A. of arts B.A. of music Associates of: Science in Architecture, Arts in forensic science investigation, Arts in social work, and arts in Spanish translation. Criminal Justice Political Science Criminal Justice Global Security Studies Military Science Political Science Public Administration College of Liberal Arts College of Political Sciences and Criminology
Degree Programs Cont. Biology Chemistry Computer Science Engineering Physics – Bioengineering Engineering Physics – Computer Engineering Physics – Electrical Engineering Physics – Mechanical Environmental Sciences Manufacturing Engineering Technology Mathematics Physics Physics – Biophysics Specialization Licensed Practical Nurse Registered Nurse Nurse Practicioner Clinical Nurse Specialist Biochemistry and Molecular Bio. Pharmacology and Toxicology Neurology Radiology Surgery Physical Therapy Nutrition and Metabolism College of Arithmetic, Applied Sciences, and Technology College of Medical Sciences and Health Professions
Degree Programs Accounting Management Marketing Entrepreneurship International Business Finance Early Childhood Studies Psychology Sociology Public Administration Anthropology College of Business Administration College of Education and Social and Behavioral Sciences
General Information Total Students 120,000 Student Teacher Ratio: 1/50 Yearly Cost Single semester – $40,000 - $50,000 Yearly - $80,000 - $100,000 Campus Calendar Two 15 week semesters Two 4 week summer terms
Expenditures Electricity Cost Nuclear Reactor that recycle nuclear waste Allows students to practice Nuclear Physics Wind Power Water plants in lake Purifies water Allows students to practice marine biology
Minimum SAT and ACT scores SAT 1600 out of 2400 ACT English - 22 Reading - 22 Mathematics - 24 Science - 24
Student Life Dorms Singles - $8,000 Doubles - $6,000 Male/Female/Co-ed Student Government Recreational center 3 large gyms Separate section for gaming/other activities
Athletics Includes Rugby Soccer Football Equestrian Swimming Baseball Track Shot put Includes Soccer Volleyball Crocket Equestrian Basketball Swimming Softball Track 33 Male Varsity Sports32 Female Varsity Sports