Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION Chişinău – 25 – 26 martie 2014 Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION Analysis of the Romanian concepts in the on-line competition in Education Management - common topics, interests and prospects for cooperation - Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects TEAMWORK. CONFLICT SITUATIONS. CONFLICT MEDIATION Period: 2011 – 2012 Institution: Ovidius High School, Alina Trache Partners: Constanta County School Inspectorate, County Council for Psycho-pedagogical Assistance, Ovidius High School Students’ Council, Ovidius High School Parents’ Association Objectives: Creation of a Board of Mediators at school level. Training mediator students; setting up an intervention programme and procedures. Creating a transferable model Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects TEAMWORK. CONFLICT SITUATIONS. CONFLICT MEDIATION -The Board of School Mediators was created. -Training for students interested in becoming School Mediators (test + interview assessing candidate’s potential) -Raising awareness that the possibility of mediation exists -Creating conditions for conflict mediation to happen -Drawing up ‘Resolution Forms’ and ‘Mediators Assessment Forms’ -Creation of a Code of Conduct for all actors involved in the educational process. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects STUDENTS’ SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION – FROM PROJECT TO STRATEGY Type: curriculum development Period: ongoing Institution: Ovidius High School, Cristina Anghel Partners: teachers of Sciences and Humanities, students, parents Objectives: Creation of an elective course (optional curriculum) aimed at students interested in developing and managing projects. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects STUDENTS’ SCIENTIFIC EDUCATION – FROM PROJECT TO STRATEGY -The process of education should be extended outside the classroom – continuous education -Content and teaching methods must be adapted to the ever changing reality. Students must take responsibility of their own learning process. -Creation of the ‘Virtual Science Fair’ – an online teaching and learning opportunity. -Encouraging educational partnerships such as Comenius, Youth in Action, etc -Creation of the elective course “European Projects” which has been chosen by over 900 students in our school; the course offers information on and the possibility for project management, project development and assessment, Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects NGO’s AND EDUCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AT THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COASTAL AREA Period: 1994 – ongoing Institution: Mare Nostrum, Carmen Bucovala Partners: specialists, biologists, students, members of the community Objectives: to promote education for sustainable development; to offer scientific, functional and operational environmental training; to attain the sustainable usage of the Romanian Black Sea Coastal Zone, in order to preserve and prevent the further degradation of the habitats, species, and social/cultural elements within the region. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects NGO’s AND EDUCATION: ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION AT THE ROMANIAN BLACK SEA COASTAL AREA -Consolidating new school curriculum and training of teachers for the development of school curriculum. -Updating and upgrading teaching methodologies and content. -Development of teaching materials for education for sustainable development. -Organization of 5 – 8 workshops a year for students and teachers -Conducting follow-up activity monitoring trainees and gathering feedback. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects READ IT - “Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling” Type: Comenius Multilateral Projects Period: 2010 – 2012 Institution: Ovidius High School Partners: Università degli Studi “Guglielmo Marconi”, Italy, Scottish Book Trust, Scotland, University College Lillebaelt, Denmark, Marsilio Editori, Italy, Curtea Veche Publishing, Romania, Rustu Akin Kiz Teknik Meslek Lisesi, Turkey, Objectives: to train and assist teachers in using ICT tools in the classroom; to promote and encourage reading and literacy, to engage students and allow them to take responsibility of their learning process. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects READ IT - “Training teachers to make READing fun through digITal storytelling” -A free online course for teachers on ‘digital storytelling’ – a new teaching method meant to encourage reading -More than 100 teachers from 5 countries attended the online training simulateneously; more than 500 students were involved in the creation of booktrailers. The course continues to be available for interested teachers -Using ICT tools in the process of teaching national language and literature; creation of model class projects -A network of teachers was created with the aim of promoting and encouraging reading, writing and the development of self-expression in the students’ own language. Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects IQ – EQ - HQ : elements for a balanced student facing the new challenges of an unstable European society Type: Comenius Regio Period: 2012 – 2014 Institution: Constanta County School Inspectorate, Alina Elena Nitu Partners: Nicolae Dumitrescu, Cumpana High School, World Vision Romania, The Directorate of Secondary Education of Piraeus, Senior High School AG, Ioannis Renti, Municipality of NIKAIA Objectives: to prevent school drop-out; to create a network aimed at encouraging students to stay in school, identifying their educational, social and emotional needs; to exchange experiences with teachers Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION The Projects IQ – EQ - HQ : elements for a balanced student facing the new challenges of an unstable European society -Exchanging experiences, attitudes, feelings, expectations and needs in order to target possible drop-outs -Creation of a working network promoting good practices in the prevention of the phenomenon of school abandonment. -Assessing and increasing IQ – EQ and HQ in learners. -Collaboration on examining IQ – EQ and HQ as predictors for academic success -Familiarisation with the existing experiences in the partner country; enhancing the quality and significance of European education; Cross Border Cooperation
Common borders. Common Solutions. Grant Contract No , MIS-ETC 2674 MANAGE.EDU: Efficient Education Management Network for LLL in the Black Sea Basin EUROPEAN UNION -common topics and interests -prospects for cooperation Cross Border Cooperation -Creation of networks of like-minded professionals in order to encourage and promote successful practices in the educational sector. -Creation of networks of students, sharing their experiences, needs, feelings and expectations. -Promotion of modern, adequate teaching strategies and methods to assist students in achieving academic and emotional success. -Promotion of the concept of lifelong learning among teachers, students, parents school managers and local communities.