VET CENTRE, MONTENEGRO Duško Rajković, director
Preschool education Elementary education 9 years – Bureau for Education Secondary education students 2 to 4 years High schools 30 % students 11 schools +11 mixed schools = 22 schools Vocational education 70 % students 70 % students 26 VET schools + 11 mixed schools = 37 schools Adult education 42 licensed providers 1 public university 2 private university EXTERNAL EXAM 2011, EXAMINATIONS CENTRE EXTERNAL EXAM 2011, EXAMINATIONS CENTRE Post- secondary VET
VET CENTRE DEPARTMENT FOR OCCUPATIONAL STANDARDS AND CURRICULA ADULT EDUCATION DEPARTMENT TEXTBOOKS DEPARTMENT EVALUATION DEPARTMENT FOR GENERAL AFFAIRS DIRECTOR DEPUTY DIRECTOR STEERING COMMITTEE CHAIRMAN AND 4 MEMBERS FOUNDERS Government of Montenegro – Ministry of Education and Science Government of Montenegro – Ministry of Education and Science Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Chamber of Economy of Montenegro Association of Trade Unions of Montenegro Association of Trade Unions of Montenegro Employment Agency of Montenegro Employment Agency of Montenegro Founded in 2003 PROBLEMFinancing
CURRICULA: During academic 2010/11, the Department conducted activities on the preparation, drafting and adoption of 19 curricula: three-year duration (8) four-year duration (11), along with two amendments of the existing four-year curricula One curriculum for post-secondary VET, one in preparation phase SYLLABI: Syllabus for Policeman curriculum, for post-secondary VET schools Sound designer EXAMINATION CATALOGUES FOR PROFESSIONAL THESIS The Department was engaged in the preparation of new examination catalogues for professional theses in cooperation with Examination Centre.
OTHER ACTIVITIES: The Department organized 6th National Competition of schools for the ouccpations Cook and Waiter in Budva, and participated in the 3rd National Competition of Hospitality of Montenegro. Training Firms Service Centre: 36 training firms in academic 2010/11, involving 36 teachers and around 1100 students. 2nd National Training Firms Fair organized in the VET school in Herceg Novi
EXTERNAL QUALITY ASSESSMENT OF EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITY IN VET AND SPECIAL SCHOOLS 10 VET schools assessed in 2010/11; Within the period April-September 2010, Evaluation Department supported the Bureau for Education and Professional Rehabilitation of Disabled Children with Hearing and Speaking Difficulties from Kotor, in drafting three curricula for children with hearing and speaking difficulties and three programmes for children with learning difficulties. British Council – Handbook for Internal Evaluation
- -IX and X Adult Education Festival - -Intensive projects with RAE population - -Andragogical training of staff working in adult education, supported by Dvv International - -Project “Safety Culture of Youth in Montenegro”
13 textbooks published in 2010/11 Company Economics Accounting Rudiments of Economy Tourism Geography Business Informatics I Electro-technical Materials Business Communication Constitutional Establishment of Montenegro Rudiments of Law Application of Computers in Electrical engineering II Rudiments of Electrical Engineering I Rudiments of Electrical Engineering II Marketing in Tourism
ETF GIZ KulturKontakt Austria Lux Development Britanski savjet Dvv international BiBB European Commission (IPA projects)
Completed activities: Vocational Education Development Strategy of Montenegro , Action plan , Handbook for Internal Evaluation, Handbook for Career Guidance, Starting grounds for post-secondary education, Curricula for post-secondary VET, 15 textbooks for VET schools, 4 sectoral committees established, Amendments to laws and rulebooks, VET Strategy for North Montenegro, Preparation of 6 schools for projects whose value amounts to EUR, Capacity Development of the VET Centre employees, NQF training, X Adult education festival, Activities on Modularization and credit rating of curricula...
CENTRE FOR VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MONTENEGRO Vaka Djurovica bb, Podgorica, Montenegro, Tel ; Fax ; Director: ; director: website: