scribe, Booker Prize- container, annotations In class essay- due at end of hour, HW: background on Middle ages- quiz?, Booker container finished; work on annotations of BP Monday: scribe, Booker Prize,In class essay- due at end of hour, HW: background on Middle ages, Booker container finished Wednesday: Scribe, Booker Prize, review Canterbury Background, Assign Literary Locker tag, Morality chart, Assign pilgrim, read Prologue HW: locker tag, Booker Friday: Scribe, Booker Prize, Read Prologue, Meet in independent reading groups (container, decorations) Hw: Booker, Locker tag
Scribe, Booker Prize, review Canterbury Background, review Canterbury Background, Assign Literary Locker tag Groups Morality chart, Assign pilgrim, Read Prologue HW: locker tag, Booker annotations Monday: scribe, Booker Prize,In class essay- due at end of hour, HW: background on Middle ages, Booker container finished Wednesday: Scribe, Booker Prize, review Canterbury Background, Assign Literary Locker tag, Morality chart, Assign pilgrim, read Prologue HW: locker tag, Booker Friday: Scribe, Booker Prize, Read Prologue, Meet in independent reading groups (container, decorations) Hw: Booker, Locker tag
Scribe Booker Prize- work on annotations Read Prologue HW: Booker Prize annotations, literary locker tag Next Week: Monday: scribe, Booker Prize,In class essay- due at end of hour, HW: background on Middle ages, Booker container finished Wednesday: Scribe, Booker Prize, review Canterbury Background, Assign Literary Locker tag, Morality chart, Assign pilgrim, read Prologue HW: locker tag, Booker annotations Friday: Scribe, Booker Prize, Read Prologue, Meet in independent reading groups (container, decorations) Hw: Booker annotations, Booker journal entry, Locker tag