CLASSROOM PROCEDURES Mrs.Joseph’s Classroom Stafford Middle School,Stafford,TX
FOREWORD Welcome to Mrs. Joseph's class. Welcome to Mrs. Joseph's class. I am here to teach; you are here to learn. I will do my job; you will do yours, and we will together use this year wisely and beneficially. I am here to teach; you are here to learn. I will do my job; you will do yours, and we will together use this year wisely and beneficially. Positive attitude is the key of success. Let’s keep it all the time. Positive attitude is the key of success. Let’s keep it all the time.
WHY DO WE HAVE PROCEDURES? A procedure is the way that we do things. A procedure is the way that we do things. To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures, for example: To do things right, we have to follow some simple procedures, for example: To open your locker, you have to select your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer. To open your locker, you have to select your combination as directed by the lock manufacturer. To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe. To cook a delicious meal, you need to follow the steps in the recipe. To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order. To place a call on your phone, you need to dial the number in the right order. So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures. So, to be successful in learning, you need to follow some simple procedures.
ENTRANCE Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. Make sure you have all necessary materials for the class. Enter the classroom quietly. Enter the classroom quietly. Go directly to your assigned seat. Go directly to your assigned seat. Get ready for your work. Get ready for your work.
RIGHT AFTER THE BELL RINGS Immediately start the bellwork that will be written on the board. Immediately start the bellwork that will be written on the board. Do the bellwork in your journal. Do the bellwork in your journal. When you finish, wait quietly for the next direction. When you finish, wait quietly for the next direction.
DURING INSTRUCTION Listen to the teacher with full attention. Listen to the teacher with full attention. No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. No pencil sharpening, talking, or whispering. Don’t write anything during instruction. You will be given time for taking notes. Don’t write anything during instruction. You will be given time for taking notes. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask permission to speak by raising your hand. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. Ask questions related to the subject. Other questions which are not related to the subject can be asked after instruction. After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand. After instruction, make sure you understand the concept. If not, ask questions by mentioning which part you didn’t understand.
WHILE YOU ARE WORKING Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. Make sure you read or listen to the directions about your work and understand them. If you didn’t understand, ask help from other students sitting around you. If they also don’t understand, ask to the teacher to explain it. If you didn’t understand, ask help from other students sitting around you. If they also don’t understand, ask to the teacher to explain it. If you are asked to help, be polite and kind and offer your best. If you are asked to help, be polite and kind and offer your best. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. The person sitting on the other side of the room should not be interrupted by your noise. Talking to each other should be no louder than a whisper. The person sitting on the other side of the room should not be interrupted by your noise. Respect each other and be friendly. Respect each other and be friendly. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time. Use your time wisely. Put forth your best effort to finish your work on time.
KEEPING YOUR JOURNAL You should have a science journal which will be used for only your science class. (A composition notebook is recommended.) You should have a science journal which will be used for only your science class. (A composition notebook is recommended.) Use pen or pencil to write in your journal. Using two different colors, one for the titles and a different one for the body of the text, will make your journal look better and more organized. Use pen or pencil to write in your journal. Using two different colors, one for the titles and a different one for the body of the text, will make your journal look better and more organized. The first page should be the title page. Write your full name, section, and school name on it. The first page should be the title page. Write your full name, section, and school name on it. Number the pages in the right bottom corner. Number the pages in the right bottom corner. Always write the titles with capital letters. Always write the titles with capital letters. Each day, put the date first. Each day, put the date first. Keep your journal clean and organized. Keep your journal clean and organized. Your journal will be collected and checked from time to time. Turn it in on time when you are asked. Your journal will be collected and checked from time to time. Turn it in on time when you are asked. Take good care of your journal. Do not lose it. Take good care of your journal. Do not lose it.
IF THE TEACHER RAISES HER HAND Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. Stop whatever you are doing at that moment. Face the teacher and wait silently. Face the teacher and wait silently. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised his hand. Notify any classmates who haven’t noticed that the teacher has raised his hand. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher. No talking or whispering. All of your attention should be given to the teacher.
AFTER YOU ARE DONE Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. Check your work and the directions one more time to see if you missed anything or did something incorrectly. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. If the assignment is to be turned in, do so. Start your reading session. (Read your book, scientific magazine, etc.) Start your reading session. (Read your book, scientific magazine, etc.)
DISMISSAL Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Clean your work area and take all garbage to the trash can. Wait for Mrs. Joseph to dismiss you. The ring of the bell does not dismiss you. Wait for Mrs. Joseph to dismiss you. The ring of the bell does not dismiss you. After you get permission to leave, push in your chair and leave quietly. After you get permission to leave, push in your chair and leave quietly.
HOMEWORK PROCEDURE You will be given homework on a certain day of the week. It will be collected on Tuesdays. You will be given homework on a certain day of the week. It will be collected on Tuesdays. Sample Heading: Sample Heading:
WHEN YOU ARE TARDY Stand by Mrs. Joseph’s desk. Stand by Mrs. Joseph’s desk. Inform her of your excuse or give her your tardy pass. Inform her of your excuse or give her your tardy pass. Go to your seat after you are given permission to do so. Go to your seat after you are given permission to do so. You will not be excused from any work you missed. Get the assignment from a classmate and do it at home. You will not be excused from any work you missed. Get the assignment from a classmate and do it at home.
WHEN YOU ARE ABSENT Get the assignments from your classmates and the worksheet from Mrs. Joseph. Do the work at home. Get the assignments from your classmates and the worksheet from Mrs. Joseph. Do the work at home. If you missed a test because of your excused absence, inform Mrs. Joseph and arrange a time to make up the test after school. If you missed a test because of your excused absence, inform Mrs. Joseph and arrange a time to make up the test after school. You will not be able to make up any work if you have an unexcused absence. You will get a “0” for those assignments. You will not be able to make up any work if you have an unexcused absence. You will get a “0” for those assignments.
LAB REPORT Lab Reports are very important factors. Lab Reports are very important factors. I strongly advise you to keep very neat Lab Reports and keep them in a safe place. I strongly advise you to keep very neat Lab Reports and keep them in a safe place. The details of how to write a Lab Report will be mentioned later The details of how to write a Lab Report will be mentioned later
SCIENCE PROJECT One of the most exciting activities in your science class is science projects. One of the most exciting activities in your science class is science projects. You are required to do a science project each year. Due dates will be announced later this year. You are required to do a science project each year. Due dates will be announced later this year. Well done science projects will be eligible to participate in the Science Fair. Well done science projects will be eligible to participate in the Science Fair. Start thinking of ideas. If you ask for help in advance, I will help you in developing your ideas. Start thinking of ideas. If you ask for help in advance, I will help you in developing your ideas.
CLASSROOM RULES School-wide classroom rules are posted on the wall: School-wide classroom rules are posted on the wall: 1. Bring all necessary materials to class. 2. No gum, food, or drink allowed. 3. Always act and speak in an appropriate way. 4. No uniform, no class. 5. Always carry your hall pass. 6. No backpacks.
CONSEQUENCES 1. Warning 2. Conference with Student 3. Thinking Point 4. Parent Contact 5. Referral to Administration
GRADING Grading Policy Grading Policy Chapter Tests30% Chapter Tests30% Class work & Participation25% Class work & Participation25% Homework25% Homework25% Quiz & Bell work20% Quiz & Bell work20%