The Six Basic Principles Chapter 3 Section 1 The Six Basic Principles
Something to think about!!!! The Declaration of Independence was the promise It was the formation of the people (union) The Constitution is the way we kept the promise It was the formation of the government It may be old - but it still stands as an important and active part of our history
Make up of the constitution The “supreme Law of the Land” Framework – 6 basic principles Organization – Preamble and 7 Articles (or sections)
Six basic principles (words to know!!) Popular sovereignty – all political power resides with the people Limited government – government can only do things that the people allow Separation of Powers – distribute power among the government (break it up like a Kit-Kat Bar!) Checks and Balances – complex, ties the branches together, restrains other branches from ‘going overboard” Judicial Review – interpret what Congress and President do are constitutional Federalism – divides government power between states and national government
Legislative Branch Judicial Branch Executive Branch This graphic is on page 68. You need to be able to identify examples of each “check & balance”
Articles of the Constitution (pg 65) Chapter 3, Section 1
Try it this way - Larry Eats Junk Food After School Regularly
Articles of the Constitution Chapter 3, Section 1
Breaking down the Articles The first three Articles outline the basic structure of government The rest of the Articles outline specific topics in more detail
Ch 3 Section 2 Formal Amendments
Formal Amendments What are the different ways to formally amend, or change the wording of, the Constitution? How many times has the Constitution been amended? What is the Bill of Rights?
Amending the Constitution Amendment— changes in the Constitution’s written words Article V sets out: two methods for the proposal two methods for the ratification creating four possible methods of formal amendment.
Formal Amendment Process
Amendments to the Constitution The first 10 amendments are collectively known as the Bill of Rights. They set out many of our basic freedoms.
Ch 3 Section 3 Informal Amendments
Informal Amendment How has basic legislation changed the Constitution over time? What powers do the executive branch and the courts have to amend the Constitution? What role do party politics and custom have in shaping the Federal Government?
Informal Amendment Processes Informal amendment - the process by which over time many changes have been made in the Constitution which have not involved any changes in its written word. The informal amendment process can take place by: (1) the passage of basic legislation by Congress; (2) actions taken by the President; (3) key decisions of the Supreme Court; (4) the activities of political parties; and (5) custom.
Executive Action and Court Decisions Presidential actions have produced a number of important informal amendments, such as the use of the military under the power of commander in chief. An executive agreement - a pact made by the President directly with the head of a foreign state. Court Decisions The nation’s courts, most importantly the United States Supreme Court, interpret and apply the Constitution in many cases they hear.