Chapter 5 Constitutions Lecturer: QU Hongyan
Contents Basic concept Formation and development of the theory of constitutions Factors affecting constitutions
Concept Constitutions refer to the comprehensive and relatively stable features of the individual life process, manifested in the aspects of morphology and structure, physiological functions and psychological states, etc. and determined by innate endowment and acquired factors.
Constitutions Morphology structure Physiological functions Psychological activities
Basic principles Theory of constitutions determined by innate endowments Theory of constitutions inhibited by environments Theory of constitutions developing in a phased process Theory of constitutions formed by both physique and spirit.
Signs of health A strong body In a very good looks Live in harmony with other people
The connotation of health, which include physical heath, mental health and good social adaptive capability, is comprehensive and multi-level. According to World Health Organization, 80% humans are of acidity, under sub health condition.
Factors affecting constitutions
Innate factors Innate factors refer to the parental hereditary substances and fetal environments. These factors include innate endowment and environmental factors and parent conditions in the course of fetal development.
( 1 ) Innate endowment At the very beginning of life, man has already possessed different constitutional features such as fat or thin, weak or strong, tall or short, yin or yang property. So it is important to take good care of a pregnant woman.
( 2 ) Sex Man and woman differ in physiology and pathology and they have different constitutional features. Gifted with strength of yang with yang qi as the root Gifted with grace of yin with yin blood as the root.
ManWoman Visceral functions are powerful Visceral functions are relatively weak Strong and large figurePetite body structure Have extroversion characterIntroversion, exquisite and like to be quiet Takes kidney as the innate rootTakes liver as the innate root Essen (qi) is the root of manYin blood is the root of woman Qi is often insufficientBlood is usually insufficiency
Acquired factors Based on innate factors, constitutional features of individuals gradually develop under the influence of various acquired factors. These factors include natural and social environments, personal experiences, diet, etc, which will exert a certain restrictive or even decisive influence on the development of constitutions.
1. Age At different period of age, individuals show different constitutional features.
AgeYin-yangphysiquevisceraQi and blood Psychological attribute Infant period TenderNot being filled up DelicateNot abundant Timid and weak Adolescent Period Begin to grow MatureNot strongGradually abundant Full of vigor and vitality Prime period HarmoniousStrongIntact and strong AbundantMature and firm Geratic period Both decline depletionDeficient weak Stagnant and insufficient Thoughtful, apt to be sad
2. Diet Diet is indispensable to human existence. Different food has diverse effect on viscera. Food partiality will result in the variation of constitutions. e.g. Long-term indulgence in cool and cold food Yang deficiency with exuberance of yin Partiality to sweet and greasy food Produce phlegm or turn into heat to generate fire
3. Work or rest Necessary rest and sleep can eliminate fatigue, and restore physical and mental powers. Over-work Consume original qi Over-rest Stagnation of qi and blood and hypofunction of viscera Qi stagnation Blood stasis
Long-term lack of exercise
4. Marriage and child-bearing which include sexual intercourse, pregnancy and labor. If the above activities are normal, there would be normal reproduction and harmonious physiology and pathology. Long-term rejection of sexual activities Depression, unsmooth circulation of qi And blood Qi stagnation Too much delivery and birth Consume kidney essence and kidney qi Impair yin blood Affect constitutions of women
5. Emotions The material basis of emotions are qi and blood. Emotional changes may affect visceral functions of qi and blood and further restrict the formation and development of constitutions. Extreme, prolonged Emotional stimulation Abnormal visceral functions Disharmony of yin-yang qi and blood Special types of constitutions
6. Diseases It is an important influential factor in the process of formation of constitutions. e.g. febrile disease constitutions of yin deficiency chronic disease constitutions of qi deficiency
7. Environments people live in particular climatic and geographic environments. The long-term influence of natural factors, the difference of geographic and climatic conditions and the corresponding living habits will unavoidably calls groups of people in different time and areas to change adaptably in morphology and structures, physiological functions and psychological activities. In the north where it is dry and cold and diet is coarse, people usually have tight interstices and strong spleen and stomach
7. Environments Various social environments produce differences in living conditions, social customs, moral standards, psychological states, etc., and make group constitutions show a change tendency correspondingly.
1 、 Relative stability It refers to that individual constitutions may keep stably unchanged within a period of time. Based on innate endowments, through heredity, from their remote ancestors, individuals inherit features of morphology and structure, physiological functions and psychological states, and form the stability of constitutions.
2 、 Dynamic variability It refers to that constitutional features are not immutable but changeable under the influence of internal and external environments in the life process. factors Growth and development Natural environments Dietary structure Diseases Treatment of acupuncture and herbs
3 、 Individual difference Due to differences of innate endowments and diversities of acquired conditions, constitutional features vary from person to person.
4 、 Group tropism Individual constitutions are diverse. Yet under the same time and space conditions, or with similar dietary and living conditions, people may present similar or identical constitutional features due to the same hereditary backgrounds and similar environmental conditions. Group of people usually suffer with certain diseases. e.g. Endemic disease
5 、 Unity of physique and spirit Constitutions are the unity of special physiological and psychological features. Therefore, spirits, temperaments, emotions are all important components of constitutions, and significant in the differentiation and classification of constitutions.
Classification of constitutions
The diversity of the formative factors of constitutions leads to the complicated individual differences in physiology and pathology. So constitutions of individuals should be classified.
Methods for classifications of constitutions Classification according to yin-yang prosperities Classification according to five elements Classification according to types of build Classification according to visceral morphology Classification according to psychological states Canon of medicine
1. Harmonious constitution The harmonious constitutions is marked by proportional and strong build, bright eyes, glossy skin, reddy lips, thick hair, energy, tolerance of cold and hot, sound sleep, good appetite, normal stool and urine, pink tongue with thin-white coating, strong pulse, and amiable and cheerful disposition.
2. Abnormal constitution Constitution of qi deficiency Constitution of yang deficiency Constitution of yin deficiency Constitution of blood deficiency Constitution of phlegm-damp Constitution of damp-heat Constitution of stagnant blood Constitution of qi stagnation Constitution of special innate endowments
Application of the theory of constitutions