Bonds of the Empire Episode 1: The Monarch Menace
Rebellion and Wars Royal Centralization: Monarchs (Charles II, James II) did not need/want representative government Rarely called Parliament Charles II appointed army generals as governors
Rebellion and War (cont) MA wanted self-governance King Charles II revoked charter, creating a royal colony James II consolidates MA, NH, CT, RI, and Plymouth into the Dominion of New England (Boston is capital) NY and NJ added in 1688 Governed by Sir Edmund Andros
Glorious Revolution (1688-9) Glorious Revolution results in English Bill of Rights Creates limited monarch Parliament must be assembled annually Respect civil liberties
Glorious Revolution (cont) Leisler’s Rebellion Captain Jacob Leisler takes command of militia May 1689 – Militia seizes NY harbor’s main fort Fears English commander who arrives in 1691 is loyal to James II Denies access to key forts – skirmish – Leisler is arrested
Glorious Revolution (cont.) King William dismantles Dominion CT and RI may elect governors 1691 – MA has new charter (King will choose governor) Property ownership determines voting rights MA must tolerate ALL Protestants (Anglicans, Baptists, Quakers) Plymouth and ME remain part of MA NH is a royal colony Colonists have control over their colonies to an extent “New England is secure as long as they reign”
King William’s War ( ) England joins coalition against French Crown First in a series of European wars to be fought in North America New Yorkers and New Englanders take advantage and invade Montreal and Quebec (#fail)
Iroquois Confederacy Pro-French Natives/Pro-English Natives Iroquois Confederacy face attack from French with little help from British allies 1700 – Confederacy was divided into pro-French, pro-English, and neutralist. Grand Settlement of 1701 Neutralists make peace with France and Indian allies No more military cooperation with England
Significance Acknowledged dependence on UK of Great Britain Proud to be British Recognized they weren’t ready to be on their own just yet (#frienemies)
Navigation Acts Series of documents that defined Britain’s policies First act is 1651 – colonial trade must take place on English ships 1660 – Certain goods must travel through England or Scotland; imports must arrive in English ships 1663 – Imports arrive via England Molasses Act (1773) – Taxed all foreign molasses
Population Growth England had more residents of the colonies than France or Spain (North of the Rio Grande) Mid 1700’s – British colonists rise to 1.2 million; French – 60,000; Spanish 19,000
Slavery Grows Middle Passage: Africa to America journey Southern planters would mingle slaves from different areas/languages Rebellions on ships – 1 in 10 Most slaves were in south, but 15% north of Maryland
Slavery Grows
Urban Sprawl Cities were key to British survival (particularly ports) By mid-1700's poverty rates were incredibly high in New York, Philadelphia, and Boston Wealth remained concentrated (New York's wealthiest 10% owned 45% of property)
France and America France wants Louisiana Natives are split between pro-French and pro- English Corrupt government makes life miserable for all Everyone works together to survive