Health Multimedia Project Resources and Helpful Tips for Success
Arapahoes Online Resources Controversial Issues – Pro/Con: Global Issues in Context (Gale Cengage Learning) Issues and Controversies (Facts on File) Opposing Viewpoints (Gale Cengage Learning) Points of View Reference Center (EBSCO)
Arapahoes Online Resources Current Information: Academic Search Elite (EBSCO) MAS Ultra – School Edition (EBSCO) Newspaper Source (EBSCO) World News Digest (Facts on File)
Arapahoes Online Resources Health/Medical: Rosen Teen Health and Wellness Salem Health – Medical Guide and Cancer Science: Science Resource Center (Gale Cengage Learning) Todays Science (Facts on File)
Arapahoes Online Resources eReference: Gale Encyclopedia of Medicine Miscellaneous: Discovery Education Streaming (unitedstreaming)
Tips for annotation requirement – Has it been reviewed by an authority in the field of study? (Rosen) Is the publisher or organization well known? (CDC-Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Time magazine, Salem Press) How do you know it is a valid/reliable source?
How do you know it is a valid/reliable source? Continued… Contact information provided by the author – –Is the author easily accessible? Biographical information provided by the author – –Is this verifiable? –Can you confirm the information?
How do you know it is a valid/reliable source? Continued… Does the author quote statistical information, scientific or government reports to support their conclusions? Is the author well known or famous for their expertise on the topic? Does the information presented match other sources you have come across
Citing a personal interview Name of the person interviewed. Kind of interview (Personal interview, Telephone interview, interview). Date the interview took place. Example: Koop, C. Edward. Telephone interview. 24 Aug
Ways to present your topics that will engage your audience: Public Service Announcement / TV commercials Documentary Expert panel – have members of the group pretend to be experts on the topic Debate using visuals Talk show format (pretend you are Oprah or Dr. Phil) Expert interviews – similar to an expert panel, members of the group pretend to be an expert who is, in turn, interviewed by other group members Mock trial Lecture / demonstration Audience participation – poll or survey the audience