Pair Work A/B
사실 묘사하기 in Core Conversation 2 Can you tell who that chubby baby is? ☞ 이 포동포동한 아기는 누구야 ? He’s so tall and slim now. ☞ 지금은 매우 키가 크고 호리호리 하잖아.
Describe Ho-sung briefly He is … wearing a cap wearing glasses wearing a T-shirt wearing a shorts Etc…
Students will be able to describe family in the picture with appropriate expressions. Students will be able to exchange some information comparing between two family’s appearance. Students will be able to write a paragraph of describing their looking.
적절한 표현을 사용하여 그림 속의 가족을 묘사 할 수 있다. 두 가족 구성원들의 외모를 비교하는 정보를 교 환할 수 있다 자신의 외모를 묘사하는 한 단락의 글을 쓸 수 있다.
hair lengt h short, long color dark, blond, gray, red curl straight, curly fac e color white, yellow, black shap e oval, round, square
He is tall. He is small.
He is overweight. He is thin/slim.
He wears a T-shirt. He wears a suit.
He wears a shirt. She wears a jacket.
She wears a skirt.
She wears a long-sleeved dress.She wears a short-sleeved dress.She wears a sleeveless dress.
Mustache : The hair which grows on upper lip Beard : The hair which grows on the chin Whisker : the long stiff hair
In my picture the brother is tall and thin The mother and sister are both short and chubby The father is wearing a striped shirt and a dark tie
Picture of a family at home The father is wearing a T-shirt He has short, curly hair (and some gray hair) The mother is in the center of the photo Her hair is black and long She is wearing a white T-shirt and a denim jacket
The boy appears to be a teenager He has short, dark hair He is wearing a striped shirt The girl is wearing a T-shirt too She has long, dark, straight hair She is wearing it in a pony tail
Picture of a family at the beach The father is carrying an ice chest He has light hair He is wearing a long-sleeved T-shirt and shorts The boy has dark hair He is wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt
His mother seems to have light hair She is wearing a sleeveless dress with a light shirt over it She is wearing sunglasses The girl is holding her mother’s hand She is wearing an one-piece dress
Note some differences between your picture and your partner’s picture
Picture A’s father is wearing a darker T-shirt A’s mother has black hair but B’s mother has light hair A’s brother is older A’s sister is looking into the camera and B’s is looking down
Describe yourself and your partner
Short and curly hair Just Big face Tall and Chubby Always negative Wears dark shirt But loves you students Long and Straight hair (but tie her hair back) Small and oval face Tall and Slender Always positive Wears But loves you students
He is… His hair is… He is wearing… He has…
그림 속의 가족을 묘사 하기 - 외모 ( 키, 헤어스타일 ), 의복 ( 상의, 하의, 소매 ), 행동 ( 소지품, 시선 ) 에 따른 묘사 두 가족 구성원들의 외모를 비교 - 단순 비교 및 비교급 (-er) 을 사용 자신의 외모를 묘사
Circle Talk (p.49) 사실 묘사하기에 관한 표현을 활용하여 대화할 수 있다. 구직자와 면접관 사이의 역할극을 할 수 있다. 인터뷰를 통해 얻은 정보에 대해 짧은 글을 쓸 수 있다.