1.Find your seat using the chart up front. If youre not on it, see me! 2.Brainiac challenge! Solve these wuzzles, dont tell your neighbor! Biology…Welcome Back! 3. Get out something to write with…
HOMEWORK TIME: 1.Binder Organization Wed.Binder Organization 2.This Weeks Lab Nothing To Print! 3.Read , Print & Complete Reading Summary From My Website Friday
Binder Organization…please have a notebook just for Biology, with the following section dividers: Class Information Course Expectations Scientific Method/Lab Report Graphing Tip Sheet Vocabulary Unit Guide Unit Calendar Notes Assignments Labs Blank Paper
Course Expectation Refresher… 1.What 5 units will we be studying this semester? 2.What should you do if youre absent? 3.Do I accept late work? 4.Locate your moodle login/password and your online textbook login/password. 5.What happens if you are not prepared for lab? Tardy to lab? When is make-up lab?
Classify these objects into groups:
A. Be 4 Foot 1 Inch B. Be 7 Foot 9 Inches
A. Live Without Music B. Live Without T.V.
A. Eat a bar of soap B. Drink a bottle of dishsoap
A. Have half days everyday B. Never have homework
A. Give up your cell phone B. Give up your pet
A. Have a Beautiful house and an Ugly car B. Have an Ugly house and a Beautiful car
A. Run the mile B. Give a speech for English
A. Always lose B. Never play
A. Own a ski lodge B. Own a surf camp
A. Find true love B. Find 1 million dollars
A. Always say what is on your mind B. Never speak
A. Know it all B. Have it all
A. Have x-ray vision B. Have bionic hearing
A. Football B. Futball
A. Write a poem in English B. Do a lab in Science
A. Eat sushi B. Eat boogers