Centralized the French government under one powerful monarch.
Controlled foreign affairs & army Domestic administration Economic regulations
Regional judicial bodies that conferred with Louis prior to making rulings.
“I am the state.” Ruler by divine right.
Economic and political advisor to Louis XIV
War of Devolution Alleged Right of Marie Therese to inherit the Spanish Netherlands. Treaty of Aix-La- Chappelle 1668 Gain control of small towns in the S. Netherlands
1672, vs. the Prince of Orange. Ended with the Treaty of Nijmwegen. France received Franche-Comte.
Alliance between England and France against the Dutch.
Jesuits promoted religious reforms and teaching of Church doctrine as stated in the Council of Trent. Louis XIV supported the Jesuits.
Opposed the political and theology of the Jesuits. Believed man was so sinful, only the grace of God would allow someone to be saved. Declared as heretics and Louis XIV was forced to accept disillusioning many followers.
Closed Protestant Churches and Schools Exiled ministers Non-converting laity became slaves Children were baptized by Catholic priests
More than 250k left France.
League of Augsburg- England, Spain, Sweden, Germany, Habsburg Empire. Loss for Louis XIV who signed the Peace of Ryswick in 1697.
The last Habsburg king of Spain, Charles II, died w/o heirs. Philip of Anjou, Louis’ grandson became Philip V of Spain. Treaty of Utrecht- Britain gains Gibraltar, Louis recognized the Hanover right to the throne in Britain.
Revoked many of Louis’ reforms. Very unpopular and repressive.
Still had the largest pop. In Europe. John Law- Scottish Mathematician, advisor. Increasing the paper money supply would solve France’s economic woes.
The Mississippi Co. took over the French National Debt. Issued stock in exchange for government bonds. Investors wanted gold in exchange for their stocks. All gold payments were halted.