scribe, Check PLN 11, and vocab word, vocab card: philosopher, Discuss 5-10 (write questions on back board) HW: vocab quiz on Friday with all 6 words, read 11 (questions, connections, annotations, Redo short story annotations due tomorrow Monday: scribe, Check PLN 11, Check vocab word, vocab card: philosopher, Discuss 5-10 (write questions on back board) HW: vocab quiz on Friday with all 6 words, read 11 (questions, connections, annotations, Redo short story annotations Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, Collect short story annotation redos, PLN 12: Free Choice (post on blog and on blog that you read from, Change in writing style, Read ch 12, Walden , HW: vocab quiz Fri, PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations) Wednesday: scribe, vocab card work, check PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations), GE 7: write a letter to Chris as his parents, talk about effect Chris had upon them. Effect of his choices upon them, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 13-14, ask questions, make connections, annotations, Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe,Read 15-16, Long Night Song, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 15-16, ask questions, make connections, annotations, PLN presentations Friday: scribe, Read 17-18, PLN 13: Googley Advice, Vocab quiz, PLN presentation, HW: 3 questions from 11-18, PLN 13 Googley Advice
Writing Lab, scribe, Collect short story annotation redos, PLN 12: Free Choice (post on blog and on blog that you read from) Cross post Change in writing style Walden Read ch 12, HW: vocab quiz Fri, PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations) Monday: scribe, Check PLN 11, Check vocab word, vocab card: philosopher, Discuss 5-10 (write questions on back board) HW: vocab quiz on Friday with all 6 words, read 11 (questions, connections, annotations, Redo short story annotations Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, Collect short story annotation redos, PLN 12: Free Choice (post on blog and on blog that you read from, Change in writing style, Read ch 12, Walden , HW: vocab quiz Fri, PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations) Wednesday: scribe, vocab card work, check PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations), GE 7: write a letter to Chris as his parents, talk about effect Chris had upon them. Effect of his choices upon them, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 13-14, ask questions, make connections, annotations, Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe,Read 15-16, Long Night Song, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 15-16, ask questions, make connections, annotations, PLN presentations Friday: scribe, Read 17-18, PLN 13: Googley Advice, Vocab quiz, PLN presentation, HW: 3 questions from 11-18, PLN 13 Googley Advice
scribe, vocab card work, check PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations), GE 7: write a letter to Chris as his parents, talk about effect Chris had upon them. Effect of his choices upon them, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 13-14, ask questions, make connections, annotations, Monday: scribe, Check PLN 11, Check vocab word, vocab card: philosopher, Discuss 5-10 (write questions on back board) HW: vocab quiz on Friday with all 6 words, read 11 (questions, connections, annotations, Redo short story annotations Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, Collect short story annotation redos, PLN 12: Free Choice (post on blog and on blog that you read from, Change in writing style, Read ch 12, Walden , HW: vocab quiz Fri, PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations) Wednesday: scribe, vocab card work, check PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations), GE 7: write a letter to Chris as his parents, talk about effect Chris had upon them. Effect of his choices upon them, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 13-14, ask questions, make connections, annotations, Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe,Read 15-16, Long Night Song, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 15-16, ask questions, make connections, annotations, PLN presentations Friday: scribe, Read 17-18, PLN 13: Googley Advice, Vocab quiz, PLN presentation, HW: 3 questions from 11-18, PLN 13 Googley Advice
Writing Lab, scribe, Read 15-16, Long Night Song, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 15-16, ask questions, make connections, annotations, PLN presentations Monday: scribe, Check PLN 11, Check vocab word, vocab card: philosopher, Discuss 5-10 (write questions on back board) HW: vocab quiz on Friday with all 6 words, read 11 (questions, connections, annotations, Redo short story annotations Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, Collect short story annotation redos, PLN 12: Free Choice (post on blog and on blog that you read from, Change in writing style, Read ch 12, Walden , HW: vocab quiz Fri, PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations) Wednesday: scribe, vocab card work, check PLN 12, Read (questions, connections, annotations), GE 7: write a letter to Chris as his parents, talk about effect Chris had upon them. Effect of his choices upon them, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 13-14, ask questions, make connections, annotations, Thursday: Writing Lab, scribe,Read 15-16, Long Night Song, HW: vocab quiz Fri, read 15-16, ask questions, make connections, annotations, PLN presentations Friday: scribe, Read 17-18, PLN 13: Googley Advice, Vocab quiz, PLN presentation, HW: 3 questions from 11-18, PLN 13 Googley Advice
scribe, Read 17-18, PLN 13: Googley Advice, Vocab quiz, PLN presentation, HW: 3 questions from 11-18, Graded discussion on Monday, PLN 13 Googley Advice- no vocab word Next Week: Monday: scribe, Check PLN 13, Parent Teacher conference letter, Graded discussion, Watch ending (what was Chris mission?) Tuesday: Writing Lab, scribe, Add GE 8: what did we learn? What was the point of the novel? What did you take away? PLN 14: blog on anothers blog- cross post, Song: Hard Sun Wednesday: scribe, Jeffers poem, Walden Brute Neighbor, Finalize GE entries for Monday- due on Monday, Write topic sentence: what does Chris McCandless most value and why?, Check PLN 14 Thursday: No School Friday: No School