Under mercantilism, the mother country extracts raw materials from her colony, manufactures the materials into goods, and then sells the manufactured good to the colony How do you allow for economic growth under this mercantilism? Acquire more land for colonists to live and provide more raw materials, so the new colonists can buy manufactured goods MERCANTILISM
Where do the British go for new land? What problem(s) is this going to present?
The Ohio Company START OF THE WAR
Fearing British aggression, the French build forts on the border of Pennsylvania A young George Washington is sent to inspect the construction of the French Fort Duquesne Washington hastily constructs Fort Necessity and soon orders the first shot of the war The French would retaliate, ambush Fort Necessity and capture Washington START OF THE WAR A young George Washington
Benjamin Franklin devises a plan for a unified colonial government to provide defense during the war. Both the colonies and British Crown rejected the idea Franklin on the rejection: “The colonial assemblies and most of the people were narrowly provincial in outlook, mutually jealous, and suspicious of any central taxing authority." ALBANY PLAN OF UNION (1754)
ColonistsBritish Methods of FightingGuerilla warfareMarched in formation Military OrganizationColonial militia served under their own captains British officers wanted to command the colonial militias Military DisciplineNo military protocols observed Drills and tough discipline FinancesResistance to raising taxesColonists should pay for their own defenses and house British soldiers DemeanorCasual, non-professionalAristocratic; British officers had servants serve tea BRITISH/COLONIAL TENSIONS *First two years of the war went against the British. Advantage French and their Indian allies
William Pitt becomes the new Prime Minister of Great England in 1757 Raises money Increases number of British troops and naval forces Pitt promises colonial assemblies that they would be reimbursed for their war expenditures Colonists are happy and tensions eases British eventually win the war WILLIAM PITT
The Treaty of Paris ends the war in 1763 France loses almost all of its North American territory Spain acquires French lands west of the Mississippi and New Orleans British acquire French Canada and French lands east of the Mississippi EFFECTS OF THE WAR
British National debt jumps from £75 million to £133 million Who’s going to pay? Britain gained additional land for mercantilist goals Increased British disdain for colonists Britain tightens hold over colonies Colonists Sense of unity against a common enemy Colonists had a collective identity (bonds of war) Proud to be British Sense of liberty Defeat of Catholic France was a blow for “Protestant freedom” over “popish slavery” EFFECTS OF THE WAR
But this sense of nationalism would not last. EFFECTS OF THE WAR