Watertown Public Schools School Committee Joint Budget & Finance, and Curriculum Subcommittees Secondary Programming January 25, 2010 Kimo Carter, Middle School Principal Michael Noftsker, High School Principal Curriculum Coordinators
Presentation Overview Ongoing Implementations Staffing Needs Materials & Supplies Needs Questions
Ongoing Implementations Cohesive Programming 6-12 Coordinators o Curriculum continuity o Professional development Curriculum & Technology Integration o "Geek of the Week" o Presentations at Faculty Meetings Student Support Systems o Academic Assistance / Academic Learning Center o Language-based Instruction o Reading Program o Social-Emotional Programming o CAP Program o IES Program o Autism Program
Ongoing Implementations Expanded Opportunities for Students Engineering by Design Virtual High School MS and HS Robotics Foreign Language: Rosetta Stone ArMedia MS and HS Journalism MS Enrichment Drama “Fun, Fit for Life” Academic Support After School
Current Realities Increased enrollments Decrease in staffing and larger class sizes Increase in specialized instruction needs o English Language Learners o Language-Based Learners o Learning Support Students o Emotionally Challenged Students o Autism Spectrum Decrease in Minuteman enrollment Increase in quantities and costs of materials and supplies Projected High School Middle School
Staffing Needs High School Special Education o Expanded HS Language-based program. Staff needed: 0.8 FTE (Dual certification – SPED/Math) o Social-emotional programs for students with emotional needs o Program for anxious students o Program for behavioral students o Attendance tracking o Additional staff needed: 1.0 teacher FTE, 2.0 IA FTEs, 0.75 social worker o Vocational coach for school-to-work transitions program: 1.0 IA FTE Middle School Special Education o Expanded Autism Program. Staff needed: 3.5 IA FTEs
Staffing Needs (cont.) High School ESL HS Intermediate English for ELLs: 0.2 FTE 0.5 ESL tutor to replace current volunteer High School Math o Four-year math requirement o Need a 0.2 FTE for an ELL sheltered math class Middle School English/Reading o 1.0 FTE for English and Reading that was cut in FY2010 o Helps to reduce reading class sizes o Special Education and ESL departments Middle School SRO o Explore cost-share with the Police Department for part- time school resource officer for the middle school. (Cut by Police Dept. in FY10)
Furniture for high and middle schools: $10,000 yearly line-item to upgrade furniture on a year-to- year basis Increase in school-based materials and supplies budgets: $15,000 per school Student Laptops and peripherals To be discussed with Tech/Teaching & Learning plan Instructional Technology and Learning Commons To be discussed with Tech/Teaching & Learning plan School-Wide Needs
Materials & Supplies Needs English English Department becomes English & Communications Department Updated technology for new Web 2.0 Communications course: (To be discussed with Tech/Teaching & Learning plan.) Updated technology for journalism (To be discussed with Tech/Teaching & Learning plan.) Social Studies Geography Alive textbooks for grade 6: $10,500 US History textbooks for grades 9 and 10: $3,200 Additional materials for HS courses: $2,200
Materials & Supplies Needs (cont.) Math Complete Impact Math textbook purchase: $3,500 Technology for math: document cameras, smartboards, (To be discussed with Tech/Teaching & Learning plan.) Science Transportation for HS Science League: $3,200 Lab equipment for middle and high schools: $15,000 (could be done in a multi-year plan) MS Enrichment Robotics materials: $2,000
Materials & Supplies Needs (cont.) Foreign Language HS Rosetta Stone software: $3,000 HS Spanish Textbooks: $8,000 Updated technology for HS language lab: Plan under construction Fine and Performing Arts Share HS and MS instrument repair costs PE and Health MS and HS fitness center maintenance: $3,000 High School Intramurals: $2,000 from the PEP grant Open MS fitness center after school 2 additional days: $2,700
Assessment & Guidance Measures of Academic Progress, Grades 6-11: To be discussed with Teaching & Learning plan Special Education Assistive technology/Universal Design MS Language-based: Language! curriculum with Kurzweil software: $10,000 MS Learning Support: specialized math curriculum: $2,000 Expanded MS Autism: specialized curriculum: $4,000 New HS Social-Emotional Program: specialized curriclum: $5,000 Materials & Supplies Needs (cont.)