Hosanna Christian High school Parent presentation
Purpose Ephesians 4:11-12 to themselves: “[Christ] gave...the teachers to equip the saints for the work of the ministry, for building up the body of Christ.” Mission statement Making disciples of all nations by providing rigorous educational services, built on a solid faith in our Lord Jesus Christ, in a Christian Family.
WAC (HS grad requirements)
Credit plan example Class9 th 10 th 11 th 12th Zero 1 Bible9 Ch. Living New tst. / Ch.history Old tst. Theology Social Sciences 2 Integrated Science BiologyPhysicsOccup. Ed. 3 AlgebraGeometryAlgebra2Career 4 English 9 composition Eng10Eng11Eng12 5 Spanish1Spanish 2PE 6 ArtLiteratureUS HistoryCWP
Example schedule* 7:20–8:15 P.E. 8:30-9:25 Christian world perspective / Bible Wednesday include chapel STAT and Service 9:30-10:25 science 10:30-11:25 Math Lunch 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:55 Language arts 1:00-1:55 Spanish 2:00-2:55 Arts
Services and prices. Tuition - $ credit - Class $ credit Class, S.T.A.T. $ credit Class, S.T.A.T. save $1,000 by enrolling Full time. Not included: Hot Lunch Textbooks Personal electronic devices. Lab fee’s Field trips Hosanna Secondary Rates Registration 2014/15 Standard Enrollment- $120/student Placement and class scheduling for new students $50/student Classroom Fee $120/student
Benefits Running Start at Clark College Skills center full day and half day programs. Family focused environment Instruction and educational support in all subjects Career Counseling and educational guidance Personalized Curriculum development and modification.
First year Class Offerings Algebra I Geometry Exploratory Science English Composition 9 Fundamentals of Literature Christian World Perspective Christian Living American History Spanish 1 Academic Discipleship Intro to Graphic Art Drawing PE Technology 1
Other considerations Senior project built into primary programs Robust and vigorous educational experiences Christ centered environment Centrally located
Applicable W.A.C teachers 28A A Graduation Requirements Home school accreditation private school RCW 28A High school graduation requirements or equivalencies — Reevaluation of graduation requirements — Review and authorization of proposed changes — Credit for courses taken before attending high school — Postsecondary credit equivalencies. Paragraph 3 subsection 4 WAC High school credit—Definition. (a) Successful completion, as defined by written district policy, of courses taught to the state's essential academic learning requirements (learning standards); or (b) Satisfactory demonstration by a student of proficiency/competency, as defined by written district policy, of the state's essential academic learning requirements (learning standards).