Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) By: Jawan
General Information about Pink Eye It can cause swelling, itching, burning, discharge, and redness, of the eye It cause redness of the protective membrane that lines the eye lids It covers the exposed areas of the white eye
Symptoms of Pink Eye Watery eyes Eyelids could be stuck together when you wake up Eyes that are itchy can be a sign of pink eye Eyes that are painful and can be a sign of pink eye
How can Pink Eye Spread Pink eye can spread easily from one person to another person It can spread from if a person that is affected with pink eye touches someone and they rub there eye they can be affected
Who Can Get Pink Eye Any person is at risk to get pink eye Younger children are more likely to get pink eye People who are relatives and live in the same house as a person that has been affected by pink eye is very likely to get it
How can Pink Eye be Treated You would need to see a doctor to get treatment for: Allergic infection Viral infection Chemical Infection Bacterial infection is the only infection that can be treated by antibiotics
How Long Does Pink Eye Last Pink eye last for about 3 to 4 days Allergic pink eye is not contagious Bacterial pink eye is contagious until you are put on medication Viral pink eye is contagious until the symptoms and the pink eye does not exist in the eye anymore
Is a Person Immune to Pink Eye No a person is not immune to pink eye
When Affected Should A Person Go To School, Work, Day care? No they should not go to school, work, or day care. They should not go because it is contagious It can possibly affect everyone in the office or school
What Can Be Done To Prevent Pink Eye It can be done by preventing touching your eyes It can also be prevented by washing your hands after touching things Sanitize all objects that are regualry touched: Door Knob Phone Toys Tables