Story In the middle of the night, a truck rolls rapidly through the darkness. Loaded with fresh fruits and vegetables, the truck is headed for the super market. The driver steers off the interstate and onto a smaller highway. Finally, after driving through narrow city streets, the truck reaches its destination. As dawn begins to break, store workers unload the cargo. They work quickly because other trucks-
Story Cont. Carrying meats, canned goods and freshly bakes breads- are waiting to be unloaded. And while workers fill the store with products to be sold, a garbage truck removes yesterday's trash. All these trucks have traveled long distances over roads. Without a huge network of roads, big and small, the supermarket’s couldn’t stay in business.
Movement of Materials Like the _______that link all the parts of the country, your body has a “___________” network, called the ___________system. This consists of the________, blood________, and__________. The circulatory system carries _________substances to _______and carries ________products away from cells. ________also contains cells that ________disease roads highway circulatory heartvessels blood neededcells waste fightBlood
Needed Materials Substances that need to get _______one part of the body to _________are carried by________. Ex. Blood carries oxygen from your lungs to your body. from another blood
Waste Products The circulatory system also ________up ________products from_______. Ex. When cells use glucose (sugar), they produce carbon dioxide as a waste product. The carbon dioxide passes from the cells into the blood. The circulatory system then carries the carbon dioxide to the lungs, where it is exhaled. picks wastecells
Disease Fighters The circulatory system also __________cells that attack ____________causing microorganisms. This helps keep you from getting_______. If you do get sick, these disease fighting blood cells will kill the microorganisms to help you get well. transports disease sick
Heart Hollow ____________organ that ________blood throughout the body Made of __________muscle About the size of your_________ Located in ________of chest, behind breastbone, inside the ribs Each time the heart_______, it pushes _________through blood vessels During your lifetime, your heart may beat over 3 __________times, and pump enough blood to fill over _____competition size swimming pools muscularpumps cardiac fist center beats blood billion 30
Heart’s Structure Heart has ______sides—_______________ Each side has ______compartments or _________ upper and lower Upper chambers are called _________or atria The atrium receives blood that comes INTO the heart. Lower chambers are called___________ Ventricles pump blood OUT of the heart The atria are ____________from the ventricles by_______ Valves are flaps of tissue that prevents blood from flowing backward twoRight and Left two chambers- Atrium Ventricles separated valves
Hearts Structure _____________: Group of cells in _______atrium that regulates the ________of the heart. ________atrium: __________blood from body. ______in oxygen, ________in waste (carbon dioxide). Right _________: during contraction, pumps oxygen _________blood to the_________ right beating Pacemaker Rightreceives Lowhigh ventricle poorlungs
Heart’s Structure Left __________: oxygen _______blood moves the lungs to here during relaxation. Left ventricle: pumps oxygen rich blood to ______parts of body. Septum: muscular _______that separates heart from right to left sides. Aorta: _________blood vessel in the body. Carries blood from ______ventricle to the body. Atrium rich all wall largest left
Heart STOP
How the Heart Works Your heart goes through ______main phases Relaxation (muscle): when the heart _____with blood Contraction (muscle): _______blood forward When the heart muscle relaxes, blood flows into the chambers, the atria contract, sending blood through valves into the ventricles. Next the ventricles contract squeezing blood out to the body. two fills pumps
This ALL happens in less than a second!
Regulation of Heartbeat The ___________sends out __________that makes the heart muscle contract. The pacemaker ____________receives messages about the body’s oxygen needs and __________the heart rate to match. Ex. heart beats much faster when exercising versus sitting due to body needing more oxygen pacemakersignals constantly adjusts
Blood Vessels Your body has ________kinds of blood vessels. Arteries: carries _____________blood away from the heart From the arteries, blood flows into capillaries Capillaries: tiny vessels (one cell thick) where substances are _____________between the blood and body cells Oxygen, glucose one way (arteries). waste the other (veins) From capillaries, blood flows into veins _________: vessels that carry ______________blood back to heart three oxygenated exchanged Veins deoxygenated
Fact If you lightly touch the inside of your wrist, or the side of your throat, you can feel the artery rise and fall repeatedly---this is your pulse.
Blood Made of ________components: red blood cells (RBC), white blood cells (WBC), plasma, platelets. Red blood cells: picks ____oxygen from _________and takes to rest of body Produced in bone marrow four uplungs
Blood White blood cells: produced in ________marrow. Your bodies ________fighter Less WBC--One WBC to every RBC bone disease
Blood Plasma: Most of the material ______________travels on plasma. _____________in color due to protein molecules transported Yellowish
Blood Platelets: play important part in ____________blood clots. Ex. When you cut your finger forming
Blood Video