Communicative Language Instructional Approach for Teaching Foreign Language: a Comparative Study By Barbara J. Watson.


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Presentation transcript:

Communicative Language Instructional Approach for Teaching Foreign Language: a Comparative Study By Barbara J. Watson

Statement of the Problem Need to communicate in a second language Changing demographics and business practices teaching approach and best practices for today’s students of foreign language

Chapter One Introduction “The objective of a communicative classroom is to increase the competence of second language when assessing oral proficiency skills… Current methods of teaching a second language include a traditional grammar based system and Communicative Language Teaching”(Haas, Sept 2000)

Review of Literature History of teaching foreign language Methods of instruction Traditional grammar-based instruction Communicative Language Approach

Importance of the Study Perceived preparedness for the district assessment and/or the oral proficiency district assessment Impact on classroom communicative language approach vs. traditional Identify impact of two approaches on student outcomes

Question Communicative language approach uses repitition which enables the students to attain a higher level of oral proficiency

Question (continued) High school students are positively impacted by the communicative language approach because the students are better prepared for oral communication

Operational Definitions of Terms Communicative Competence: the four components of communicative language which are grammatical competence, sociolinguistic competence, discourse competence, and strategic competence. (Sato & Kleinsasser, The Modern Langauge Journal, 1999). Communicative language teaching: uses almost any activity that engages learners in authentic communication including functional communication activities and social interaction activities. (LinguaLinks Library, 1999.)LinguaLinks Library

Operational Definitions of Terms (continued) Convenience Sampling: is defined as a non-probability sampling strategy that uses the most easily accessible people (or objects) to participate in a study. Purposive/purposeful sampling: a non-probability sampling strategy in which the researcher selects participants who are considered to be typical of the wider population. (Project Gold: gold.glossary.html) Functional communication activities: Communicative language activities aimed at developing certain language skills and functions, but which involve communication (LinguaLinks Library, 1999.)LinguaLinks Library Highly structured activities: highly structured classroom activities such as teaching grammar rules, conducting drills, and teaching vocabulary lists (Gatbonton, Segalowitz 2005 The Canadian Modem Language Review)

Operational Definitions of Terms (continued) Mechanical Drill: Any learning event that is strictly grammar focused (Snider, Teaching German, 2005). Non-Communicative activity: Classroom activities that did not require the kind of unpredictable exchanges communicative activities produce, including activities that require the learner to comprehend the stimulus without focusing on meaning and drills (Snider, Teaching German, 2005). Purposive Style Sampling: based on previous knowledge of a population and the specific purpose of the research, investigators use personal judgment to select a sample (Fraenkal, J. & Wallen, N. 2003).

Limitations of the Study One high school Communicative language approach Traditional grammar-based approach select group of foreign language teachers Sample size Perception survey-results may vary Not taken into account: each teacher’s years of experience

Chapter 2 I. Historical Timeline II foreign language teaching III present IV. Communicative Language Approach vs. Traditional grammar-based approach

Participants 90 level I high school Spanish students. 3 sections 2 teachers Student Demographics –CL approach –Traditional grammar approach

Instrument qualitative study 14 question student survey Audio recording of CL and Traditional classrooms Qualitative analysis of district test scores

Procedure level I Spanish high school students of a communicative classroom and traditional grammar-based classroom. high school with communicative language approach and the traditional grammar approach.

Chapter 3 Results -The data interpretation begins with the survey questions

Chapter 3 Results-survey Question #6 -#9: Perceived Preparedness At Listening Activities, Reading Comprehension Activities, oral communication activities, written essays

CL students are not as confident as Traditional and spend more time listening daily

Overview of Responses CL students score very low and read weekly

Overview of Responses CL students are less confident and score better

Overview of Responses CL and Traditional continue confidence trend

Overview of Responses CL students are less confident and score better

Overview of Responses CL students reverse their trend

Data - Teacher

Data - Students Communicative language approach

Data - Students Communicative language approach

Data - Students Traditional grammar-based approach

Data - Students Traditional grammar-based approach

Significant Data Issues Students

Summary of Study Communicative Language Approach to teaching foreign language is an acceptable approach for preparing students of level I Spanish for the school district final exam and the school district oral benchmark exam

Question Supported CL students did as well or better than Traditional students on final exam CL students outperformed Traditional students - oral proficiency benchmark second semester. CL students were as prepared as the Traditional students -final exam & better prepared for the oral testing.

Significance of Research The results of the study will affect the researcher’s teaching approach allows students to achieve a higher level of oral proficiency impact of using grammar-based instruction teaching approach with high school students

Conclusions The conclusion of the data analysis is…. approach does not have a significant negative affect on the students of level I Spanish approach prepares students for the final exam and for the oral benchmark exam CL approach helps students increase their oral proficiency

Recommendations The researcher recommends… Present data will be to CL and Traditional teacher and to the district in 2008 Follow the students from this study into Level II Spanish Classes of the researcher will replicate this study