UKCHIP – Pathway to Professional regulation? BCS HIF July 2006 Contact :


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Presentation transcript:

UKCHIP – Pathway to Professional regulation? BCS HIF July 2006 Contact :

Today’s presentation UK CHIP – From Zero to....where next?  Brief Background  Current status & work  Future developments

UK CHIP – From Zero  Gestation - Need for professional standards of behaviour Need for professional standards of behaviour Need for professional home Need for professional home Need to greater homogeneity Need to greater homogeneity

UK CHIP – Still Embryonic  Formal Aim of UKCHIP  “to be the regulatory body for all branches of health informatics in the United Kingdom”  In so doing promote and advance, for the benefit of the public, standards of practice in Health Informatics in the UK”

Embryonic but Inclusive  Who should be included Medical records, Coding, Audit Medical records, Coding, Audit Libraries and knowledge management Libraries and knowledge management Information systems developers and support staff Information systems developers and support staff Information & communications technology professionals including Service Desk staff Information & communications technology professionals including Service Desk staff Information Managers, Data analysts Information Managers, Data analysts Clinical/medical informaticians Clinical/medical informaticians  in operational, commercial, research and academic CARE- RELATED locations


UK CHIP – First Steps  Objectives To promote the practice of Informatics To promote the practice of Informatics To establish and improve standards of competence To establish and improve standards of competence To establish mechanisms for the benefit of the public To establish mechanisms for the benefit of the public To collaborate with official bodies, societies and professional associations on matters relating to the above To collaborate with official bodies, societies and professional associations on matters relating to the above  Registration  CPD

UKCHIP Registration ++ + = Academic + Job Role + Yrs in Health + Yrs in Informatics = UKCHIP Registration level

Standards for Registration  Existing model predates other relevant UK work  New model ready for consultation on or around 4thAugust  Developed over 16mths to June 2006  Does not re-invent the wheel  Comparable with other health professional standards and frameworks for registration

Standards for Registration  Mapping document available now for comment and wide consultation into September 2006  Separates requirements into 5 areas: Health & Social care Health & Social care Personal Personal Management and General Management and General Data Information Knowledge and Systems Data Information Knowledge and Systems Informatics in Heath & Social Care Informatics in Heath & Social Care

UK CHIP CPD  Recognition of the need for relevant CPD  Aim to – Confirm Fitness to continue to practice Confirm Fitness to continue to practice Demonstrate criteria to progress Demonstrate criteria to progress

UK CHIP CPD  Continued fitness to practice is checked selectively via reflection and aspirations and can include : work-based learning, reflective practice, clinical audit, significant event analysis, user feedback, membership of a committee, journal club; work-based learning, reflective practice, clinical audit, significant event analysis, user feedback, membership of a committee, journal club; professional activity, member of specialist interest group, mentoring, teaching, expert witness, presentation at conferences; professional activity, member of specialist interest group, mentoring, teaching, expert witness, presentation at conferences; formal/educational, courses, undertaking research, distance learning, planning or running a course; formal/educational, courses, undertaking research, distance learning, planning or running a course; self-directed learning, reading journals/articles, reviewing books/articles, updating knowledge via WWW/TV/press; self-directed learning, reading journals/articles, reviewing books/articles, updating knowledge via WWW/TV/press; other activities, for example, public service other activities, for example, public service

Desired Outcomes from CPD  Personal Clear plan of personal development undertaken Clear plan of personal development undertaken Outline for future negotiation (A4C revisited) Outline for future negotiation (A4C revisited) Cross-professional declaration Cross-professional declaration  Organisational Improves effectiveness of service delivery Improves effectiveness of service delivery Implications for effective us of training budget Implications for effective us of training budget Input to report of successful staff development Input to report of successful staff development  Professional Demonstration of maintaining quality standards Demonstration of maintaining quality standards Establishment of auditable register of fit to practice staff Establishment of auditable register of fit to practice staff

UK CHIP – where next?  What are the drivers?  Which are important?  Is it really needed? Why bother?  Likely developments.

Definition of a Professional Body  Controlled by governing body which directs behaviour  Sets entry standards and professional competence  Sets ethical rules and professional standards  Body is designed for benefit of public & not members  Work often reserved by statute  Ensures fair and open competition  Members must be independent in thought and outlook  Gives leadership in a field of learning ref : Council for Professions Supplementary to Medicine, ‘Criteria for a Group to be Considered a Profession’,(1992), Lord Benson

UK CHIP – Likely Developments  Demands from Foundation Trusts, Commercial and Government for ~ Regulation and accreditation Regulation and accreditation Professional standardisation Professional standardisation Continued fitness to practice Continued fitness to practice  Hence ~ Regulatory body needed Regulatory body needed Will it be health-specific? Will it be health-specific? Will it develop as a profession? Will it develop as a profession?

Drivers of change  Reform agenda including Payment by Results and Patient Choice  Healthcare Commission’s “Standards for Better Healthcare” and annual healthcheck  Informatics assurance mechanisms, including Information Governance Toolkit (in healthcheck)  Increased Risk assessment and QoF audits  ‘Transformational Government’ enabled by technology’  Public Sector IT professionalism

Future developments  Revised standards for registration  Publication of the register Sept 2006  Increased registrant base  Recognition of progress towards regulation with HPC and agreed action plan  Influence employer-led demands for professional staff

Thank you for your attention. Questions? UKCHIP Board, Chair of Standards Committee