Eating Disorders Eating disorders - are characterized by disturbed patterns of eating and maladaptive ways of controlling body weight.
Eating Disorders Anorexia nervosa - An eating disorder characterized by maintenance of an abnormally low body weight, a distorted body image, intense fears of gaining weight and in females, amenorrhea.
Eating Disorders Diagnostic Features of Anorexia Nervosa A. Refusal to maintain weight at or above the minimal normal weight for one’s age and height; for example, a weight more than 15% below normal B. Strong fear of putting on weight or becoming fat despite being thin C. A distorted body image in which one’s body – or part of one’s body – is perceived as fat, although others perceive the person as thin D. In case of females who have had menarche, absence of three or more consecutive menstrual periods.
Eating Disorders Subtypes of Anorexia 1. A binge eating/purging type 2. A restrictive type
Eating Disorders Binge eating/purging type - Is characterized by frequent episodes of binge eating and purging
Eating Disorders Restrictive type - self-starvation
Eating Disorders Bulimia Nervosa - An eating disorder characterized by recurrent binge eating followed by self induced purging, accompanied by overconcern with body weight and shape.
Eating Disorders Diagnostic Features of Bulimia Nervosa 1. Recurrent episodes of binge eating (gorging) as shown by both: a) eating an unusually high quantity of food during a 2- hour period b) sense of loss control over food intake during the episode 2. Regular inappropriate behavior to prevent weight gain, such as self-induced vomiting, abuse of laxatives, diuretics or enemas; or fasting or excessive exercise 3.A minimum average of two episodes a week of binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain over a period of at least 3 months 3.A minimum average of two episodes a week of binge eating and inappropriate compensatory behavior to prevent weight gain over a period of at least 3 months 4. Persistent overconcern with the shape and weight of one’s body
Eating Disorders Causes of Anorexia and Bulimia - Sociocultural factors - Psychosocial factors - Family factors - Biological factors
Eating Disorders Treatment of eating disorders - Hospitalization - Family therapy - Cognitive-behavior therapy - Interpersonal psychotherapy - Antidepressant drugs (prozac)
Sleep Disorders Sleep disorders - Persistent or recurrent sleep-related problems that cause distress or impaired functioning
Sleep Disorders 2 major categories 1. Dyssomnias 2. Parasomnias
Sleep Disorders Dyssomnias - Sleep disorders involving disturbances in the amount, quality, or timing of sleep
Sleep Disorders 5 specific types of dyssomnias 1. Primary insomnia 2. Primary hypersomnia 3. Narcolepcy 4. Breathing related sleep disorder 5. Circadian rhythm-sleep disorder
Sleep Disorders Insomnia - Difficulties falling asleep, remaining asleep or achieving restorative sleep. Primary insomnia - A sleep disorder characterized by chronic or persistent insomnia not caused by another psychological or physical disorder or by the effects of drugs or medications.
Sleep Disorders Hypersomnia - A pattern of excessive sleepiness during the day. Narcolepcy - A sleep disorder characterized by sudden, irresistible episodes of sleep.
Sleep Disorders Breathing-related Sleep Disorder - A sleep disorder in which sleep is repeatedly disrupted by difficulty with breathing normally Circadian rhythm sleep disorder - A sleep disorder characterized by a mismatch between the body’s normal sleep-wake cycle and the demands of the environment.
Sleep Disorders Parasomnias - Sleep disorders involving abnormal behaviors or physiological events that occur during sleep or while falling asleep. - Common parasomnias are nighmares disorder, sleep terror disorder and sleep walking disorder.
Sleep Disorders Nightmare disorder - A sleep disorder characterized by recurrent awakenings due to frightening nightmares.
Sleep Disorders Sleep terror disorder - A sleep disorder characterized by recurrent episodes of sleep terror resulting in abrupt awakening.
Sleep Disorders Sleep walking disorder - A sleep disorder involving repeated episodes of sleepingwalking
Sleep Disorders Treatment for Sleep Disorders - Biological approaches - antianxiety drugs (benzodiazepines) - sleep medications - Psychological approaches - cognitive behavior therapy