Argentine I Conference WORLD-KLEMS Lic. Gustavo D. Rodriguez
Participating agencies National Institute of Statistics and Censuses (INDEC) Public Agencies National Inter-University Council
Main challenges for data availability National Accounts Data Weak development of SCN '93 Supply and Use Tables are available only for 1997 Data from Household Surveys The Permanent Household Survey gathers information only from urban areas of over 500,000 inhabitants The Income and Expenditure Household Survey is done every ten years
Labor Accounts The estimation of worked hours by the method of the components shows difficulties related to the sectorial differences in the labor market The information available from the Permanent Household Survey has the following limitations – The informant can be any member of the family group so the answer could lose quality – There is no possibility to determinate the activity of the second occupation – The answer may include hours travelled from and to home The information obtained from surveys to establishments is limited by – It´s only for the industrial activities – In establishments with more than 10 employees – Only about operational categories
Capital Accounts The available series of Gross Fixed Capital Formation is estimated by the Flow of Goods method at an aggregate level for the Total Economy, including the followings: Transport Equipment Other Machinery and Equipment Total Construction The Input Output Symmetric Matrix of 1997 presents the estimation of Gross Fixed Capital Formation by activity, with a disaggregation of 124 activities. There are alternative sources of statistical information and registration, that will allow quality estimations at the level of disaggregation required for the project The completion of the estimation of the Supply and Use Tables for 2004 will provide additional information relevant to the project
Inter-industry Accounts The intermediate consumption series do not allow the disaggregation of inputs as required by the project For 1997 the IO Matrix Ar 97 offers accurate information with the required disaggregation The estimates for the series considering the direct and indirect technical requirements fixed coefficient, are not a desirable alternative The completion of Supply and Use estimates for 2004, will provide new technical coefficients that will confirm the extent of changes and will allow to design appropriate methodologies for disaggregating the data series
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