Chapter 8 Eating Responsibly
Lesson 1 Nutrition and Your Life
Nutrition The study of nutrients and how the body uses them
Overweight Excess body fat
Obesity 20 percent above your recommended weight range
Nutrients Substances in food that your body needs
Digestion Process of breaking down food into a form your body can use.
Diet Pattern of eating that includes What a person eats How much a person eats How often a person eats
Factors that influence food choices Peer pressure Foods common in your culture Convenience Costs Personal taste Family traditions Religious traditions Availability
Lesson 2 Nutrients You Need
Kinds of Nutrients 1-those that provide energy Proteins, carbohydrates and fats 2-Those that make your body run smoothly Vitamins, minerals and water 3-Water helps transport nutrients lubricates your joints Regulates body temperature
Calories The amount of energy your body gets from a food that is measured in units
Metabolism The process of converting the energy in food into energy your body can use
Carbohydrates Sugars and starches that occur naturally in foods, mainly in plants Simple carbohydrates Molecules that are separate Fruit, vegetables, milk Complex carbohydrates Molecules that form long chains Grains, rice, pasta, dried beans, potatoes
Fats Provides energy Helps the body store vitamins Stores vitamins, A,D,E,K Saturated fats
Proteins Repair, build, and maintain cells and tissues Beef, pork, veal, fish, poultry, eggs and most dairy products Beans, nuts, and tofu are vegetable sources of protein
Vitamins Substances that help your body fight infections and other jobs Water soluble- dissolves in water C and B. Lack of C can cause scurvy Fat soluble- stored in the body’s fat A D E K Lack of A could cause night blindness
Minerals Elements that are essential for good health. Calcium and phosphorus keep bones and muscles strong Sodium and potassium regulate blood pressure With the lack of zinc, you may develop coarse, brittle hair Lack of iodine affects growth and causes the thyroid to swell.
Water Carries nutrients and wastes throughout your body Regulates body temperature Blood circulation Fills spaces between cells Keeps joints moving smoothly
Lesson 3 Making Healthy Choices
Dietary Guidelines for Americans Are a set of suggestions developed by nutrition scientists and public health agencies to help with healthy habits
Dietary Guidelines for Americans 1 Choose healthy nutritious food More grains, fruits, vegetables 2 Stay fit Have daily activity and stay at healthy weights 3 Limit substances that increase disease risk Foods that are low in saturated fat, trans fats, sugar, salt, and cholesterol
My pyramid food guidance system A system designed to help Americans make healthful food choices
Nutrition Facts Label Facts that are found on the outside of packages of food and helps you make good food choices
Serving size Is the standard amount of food that allows different foods to be compared with one another
Portion Is the amount of food that a person wants to eat
Lesson 4 Body Image
Body Image Is how you feel about and see your body
Self-Esteem How much you value, respect, and feel confident about yourself.
Influences on the body image 1-Family and friends 2-Teachers and coaches 3-The media
Positive self-talk Is a way of encouraging yourself by saying positive statements to yourself
Lesson 5 Eating Disorders
Overexercising Exercising too much to lose weight but can be harmful to your health
Eating Disorders A disease that involves an unhealthy concern with one’s body weight and shape
Anorexia Nervosa Self-starvation
Signs and Symptoms Dry and dull hair and hair loss Dry skin Brittle nails Large weight loss over a short period of time. Abdominal pain Growth of fine body hair Feels cold all the time Feels faint or light headed
Bulimia Nervosa When a person eats large amounts of food then tries to remove the food from their body
Signs and symptoms Spends a lot of time thinking about food Steal food Take trips to the bathroom immediately after eating Throw up after eating Hide food in strange places Exercise excessively
Binging Eating large amounts of food in a short period of time.
Purging Attempts to get rid of food. Vomit Laxitives Diuretic Overexercising
Binge Eating Disorder A person who cannot control how much they eat. They do not try to purge themselves.
Signs of eating Disorders 1- Dieting 2-Pretending to eat 3-Hiding or throwing away food 4-Exercising for long periods of time 5-Constantly talking or worrying about food 6-Wearing baggy clothes 7-Always complaining about how he or she looks
Getting help Find an adult that you trust Find a time when you can speak to the person privately Sit down and tell the person your concerns clearly
Lesson 6 A healthy body, a Healthy weight
Healthy weight range Is an estimate of how much you should weigh depending on your height and body frame
BMI Body mass index is a calculation that can help you determine your healthy weight range
Fad Diets Promises you quick weight loss with little effort
Chapter 8 Eating Responsibly