Anorexia Nervosa & Bulimia Nervosa
What is Anorexia Nervosa ◦ A behavior involving the irrational fear of becoming overweight and results in severe weight loss from starvation ◦ 90 percent of those with eating disorder are female
Obsession with thinness Psychological pressure Low self-esteem Inability to cope Outside pressure High expectations Need for attention
Low calorie intake ◦ calories per day Obsessed about exercise Fear of being overweight even when underweight Inaccurate body image Absence of menstrual period in females Hormone changes Emotional problems Great interest in food
Body is deprived of essential nutrients Severe malnutrition Hair loss Organ damage (heart) Death from heart problems Suicide
What is Bulimia Nervosa? ◦ It is an episodic pattern of binge eating that involves rapid consumption of a large quantity of food in a short time followed by self-induced vomiting or diarrhea
Desire to be thin Desire to be more attractive Desire for physical perfection Fear of being out of control
Excessive eating followed by self- induced vomiting Use of laxatives Impulsive Tooth decay Absence of menstrual period Dehydration Depression Mood swings Constant pursuit of thinness
Malnutrition Dehydration Low potassium in the blood Dental enamel erosion Organ damage Internal bleeding Heart & Kidney failure