Word KLEMS in Boston Sweden Hans-Olof Hagén Statistiks Sweden
KLEMS Sweden Background EUKLEMS Swedish Experiments Nordic Study Eurostat 2012
Yearly National Accounts After 20 months
Yearly National Accounts After 20 months Quarterly National accounts 60 days
Preliminary Yearly National accounts After 2 months Yearly National Accounts After 20 months Quarterly National accounts 60 days
Yearly National Accounts
Production tables In both currant and fixed prices
Yearly National Accounts Production tables In both currant and fixed prices Capital accounts
Yearly National Accounts Production tables In both currant and fixed prices Capital accounts Supply-Use Tables
Yearly National Accounts Production tables In both currant and fixed prices Capital accounts Supply-Use Tables KLEMS
Yearly National Accounts Labour quality Production tables In both currant and fixed prices Capital accounts Supply-Use Tables KLEMS
Growth accounting in Sweden Energy impact on Growth
Growth accounting in Sweden Material and Energy
Growth accounting in Sweden EMS Impact
Growth accounting in Sweden Labour and Capital impact
Growth accounting in Sweden Factor impact
Growth accounting in Sweden
Labour productivity of the Swedish business sector