HISTORICAL IMPORTANCE John F. Kennedy was the 35 th President and these words was from one of the important part of the Civil Rights Address. JFK was promoting and protecting the rights of colored people and for them to be treated equally. During the time of his speech, Kennedy appointed his brother Robert as an Attorney General. This method was to use the law courts as a way of enforcing civil rights legislation.
PERSONAL IMPORTANCE These words are personally important to me because it shows a President wanting to lead a country into equality. If it was not for JFK’s leadership and dedication, today would be a completely different world. JFK’s determination for fairness lead this country to do so much more for equality. It influenced future Presidents to do more for their country and their people. To me, that shows a promise to the American people or assuring all of us that no matter what our skin tone is, we have rights.
FACT A fact about this topic is that the Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned racial segregation in public areas, schools and at workplaces. The Civil Rights act was later changed to include women in the category to help further their fight for equality and fairness. This Act was founded by President John F. Kennedy in 1963.
OPINION My opinion about this topic is that there is still racial discrimination to this day. Some may say that there is no racial discrimination in America but they are unaware that it is behind closed doors. For example the KKK is still around but not as powerful. Minorities are receiving a much harsher punishment or sentence when getting convicted for the same crime done by a white male or female. As a society, we need to acknowledge this issue and demolish it. We cannot have this issue continue on to the future generations.