GO ORGANIC People can save on the carbon footprints they use by simple buying there food products at a local farms or eco-friendly grown or at restaurants that are supplied by local or use seasonal foods.
Ways this improves the carbon footprints Foods are not always available to be grown in all parts of the country. If a restaurant has a seasonal menu they will be able to serve only local produced product saving the airfare or transportation if would take to travel from any places in the country.
ALSO… When products are sent by air or are traveling a distance to get to the distributer or the restaurant they are also using boxes. Boxes made with paper and tape products that are a waste to the environment. Examples: Buy loose tomatoes instead of the neatly wrapped and boxed tomatoes. -Buying larger amounts of food also saves on packaging and money. -Always remember use a reusable tote bag when you shop for groceries.
Mass produced foods Foods that are mass produced often come from all over the world, they must be shipped and driven to the locations that they provide these products. Mass produced foods in this country contributes greatly to our current obesity epidemic. This also can cause cancer and other diseases. What we eat can cause hospitals and doctors to impact the environment in an effort to cure the diseases and conditions we might have avoided by choosing better things to eat.
Other facts for going green The carbon footprint of food is around 25% of each household's total carbon footprint. Food transport costs add, on average, another 10% to these emissions, so making the best food choices is more critical than buying local food. CRtKw8http:// CRtKw8
Works Cited "Florida Crystals : Reducing Your Carbon Footprint." Florida Crystals : Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May "Food's Carbon Footprint - Green Eatz." Green Eatz - Healthy Eating for a Green Planet. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May insulation, installing 180mm thick loft. "Carbon Footprint Ltd - Carbon Footprint Reduction." Carbon Footprint Ltd - Carbon Management Services - Calculate, Reduce, Offset and Carbon Neutrality. N.p., n.d. Web. 10 May MLA formatting by BibMe.org.