Canberra Transition Town LAUNCH
What is Canberra Transition Town? Part of the Transition Network and an international ‘Transition’ movement: "Transition" is talking about the changes we need to make to get to a low-carbon, socially-just, healthier and happier future, which is more enriching and more gentle on the earth than the way most of us live today.
Transition Network vision… In our vision of the future, people work together to find ways to live with a lot less reliance on fossil fuels and on over-exploitation of other planetary resources, much reduced carbon emissions, improved wellbeing for all and stronger local economies.
Peak Oil and human history
Transition Model… The Transition movement is an ongoing social experiment, in which communities learn from each other and are part of a global and historic push towards a better future for ourselves, for future generations and for the planet.
Activities… Energy Decent + Economic Resilience Plans
Activities… Transition Streets
Activities… Book Box Swap Scheme
What is Canberra Transition Town? Formed as a banner for sustainability projects in the ACT. Provides a unifying focus for what otherwise may just be isolated local activities. Intended to strengthen existing activities in the ACT, create opportunities for collaborations and the efficient use of resources, and minimise the duplication or creation of new work.
What is Canberra Transition Town? Key aims of Canberra Transition Town: Provide support for the transition of life. Raise awareness and challenge the ACT community. Encourage and support each other. Pool resources, share skills and knowledge, and other assets. Acknowledge the groundwork that is already being done in the ACT.
How does Canberra Transition Town work? Terms of Reference established. Secretariat has been set up to assist the formation of this initiative and facilitate communications. Register of individuals and groups who want to be part of Canberra Transition Town. Coordinate two Canberra Transition Town gathering events per year
Message from the Rob Hopkins Dear Transition Canberra folks. I'm delighted to see that you are starting Transition stuff happening in your community. If the experience of communities around the world is anything to go by, you will find that it acts as the catalyst for all manner of amazing things. I had hoped to make you a short video, but got laid low by the flu. So instead, I send much support and gratitude for everything you go on to do, and for an inspiring event today. By kicking off Transition where you are, you are joining a learning network of groups in thousands of communities in over 50 countries. Please share your stories, your learnings, your successes, your failures. We wish you all the best on a thrilling adventure. There is huge power in what we can do as communities, and I'm sure Canberra will be no different. Thank you so much. Best wishes Rob Hopkins [Founder of Transition Towns]
Buildings Energy Social & Community Waste & Recycling Transport & Travel Urban Planning Economics & Finances Lifestyle & Wellbeing Water Biodiversity & Conservation Food & Gardening Environment & Climate Change Canberra Transition Town Activities Culture & Creative Codes
Canberra Transition Town LAUNCH
350.orgChristina McPhail Australian Youth Climate CoalitionEmma Bliss Beyond Zero EmissionsStephen Bygrave Canberra City FarmGilles Rohan Canberra Environment CentreRyan Lungu Canberra Loves 40%Jodie Pipkorn Climate Action CanberraWalter Jehne Communities at WorkLynne Harwood Conservation Council ACT RegionClare Henderson Frank Fenner FoundationLyn Goldsworthy SEE-ChangeMark Spain Religious Response to Climate ChangeGill King Solar CitizensTony Roberts Buy NothingTim Hollo Liveability Real EstateCecille Weldon ANU School of Art Environment StudioJohn Reid Canberra AllianceBob Douglas Tonight’s Snapshots
How can Canberra Transition Town transform cultures? The Transition Handbook, Rob Hopkins The Power of Just Doing Stuff, Rob Hopkins Influenced by: Addiction and Change, by Carlo DiClemente Dr Chris Johnstone, author of Find your Power and editor of The Great Turning Times
How can Canberra Transition Town transform cultures?