Public Transit for Indiana Building Awareness & Engagement for a 21 st Century Transportation System May 2010
About HEC Indiana’s largest environmental advocacy organization Focuses on advocacy and education of environmental and public health issues E-newsletter circulated to 8,000 supporters Partner in Indiana Citizens' Alliance for Transit
Transportation in Indiana Heavy emphasis on roads 6 th highest road density in U.S. 29 to 1 ratio for road spending vs. transit “Major moves”: $6 billion for new roads
Transportation is a major greenhouse gas source: 45 million metric tons released in Indiana in 2007
Why Public Transit? Energy savings and reduction in carbon emissions Less pollution from motor vehicles Reduced congestion costs Improved land values and local tax revenues along transit corridors Opportunities for urban redevelopment around transit corridors Increased access to employment and community services
It’s worth a look: Transit is efficient
Transit in Indiana
65 public transit providers Bus service, paratransit. Eight large city bus systems include Indianapolis-IndyGo, Fort Wayne-Citilink, Evansville-METS South Shore Line: only commuter rail line in Indiana- operates between South Bend and Chicago
Profile of Central Indiana transit is raised: IndyConnect Influential private sector report with mayoral support recommends expanded regional transit system along with road improvements Environmental study begins for first Indy-area light rail line
Light rail, commuter rail, more buses, more pedestrian and bike trails to better serve Indy metro region
What is public transit’s biggest challenge? State funding limited— provides about ¼ of total statewide operating costs for transit Just 3% of our total state transportation budget goes to transit o Indiana’s Public Mass Transportation Fund (PMTF)- 0.67% of the state sales and use tax to public transit agencies o Commuter and Electric Rail Service Funds-.12% of the state sales tax to the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (South Shore)
Local funding sources capped 35% to 43% of transit operating budgets come from property taxes Property tax caps will limit the ability of transit systems to keep pace with rising costs; more competition for local revenue
Transit Underfunded Case study: IndyGo 24 th largest U.S. metro area, but with 100 th largest bus system About 30% of operating revenue from local funds Better-funded systems average 60% Charlotte, NC74% local Denver, CO55% local
How does IndyGo compare? About half the number of buses compared to peer systems Few routes, limited frequency of service— 30 to 60 minute wait Forced to be efficient: 2 nd lowest ratio of operating expense to vehicle miles among peer systems
More service cuts looming while ridership grows 9% budget cut in $5.7 million $3.2 million cut projected for 2010 More riders will be left at the bus stop: Ridership up 7.5% 1 st Q of 2010 Most IndyGo riders use buses to get to work
Solutions for Better Transit Build an alliance of advocates Establish pro-transit policies Increase local funding dedicated to transit
Indiana Citizen’s Alliance for Transit (ICAT) Mission: ICAT advocates for the immediate development and ongoing support of comprehensive transit options in communities across Indiana.
Pro-transit policies: Regional transit authority legislation & state funding flexibility Enable counties to create multi-county regional transit authorities to plan, build and operate public transit systems Use major moves funds and flexible federal funds for transit
Increase local funding Legislation to authorize RTAs to levy local dedicated transit taxes Require approval of voters for tax increase o Local sales tax, local income tax, wheel tax, food and beverage tax
Common Myths— Know the facts Fact: Entire community benefits from reduced vehicle pollution 60% of central IN ozone pollution from vehicles Large IN urban areas get failing grades from ALA for air quality Myth: Transit only benefits people who use it
Myth: Transit only benefits people who use it Fact: Drivers benefit from reduced traffic congestion
Myth: Nobody wants to ride transit Fact: Even where transit service is poor, high gas costs resulted in more riders– across US and in Indiana American Public Transportation Association— “10.2 Billion Trips Taken On U.S. Public Transportation In 2009” 4th Straight Year of More than 10 Billion Trips Despite the Economic Recession”
Myth: Transit has to be subsidized unlike other transportation Fact: All forms of transportation are subsidized: Gas taxes do not cover full cost of roads and auto travel— other taxes and fees make up difference
Myth: We won’t give up cars Fact: Transit is an essential service--not everyone owns or can drive a car Transit is an added travel choice– Americans value choice
Making the case for transit Quality of life Thriving, walkable communities Cleaner air, healthier people
Adding better transit with commuter/light rail improved ROI for central Indiana plan by 41%! ULI/PRICEWATERHOUSECOO PERS “Emerging Trends” real estate report ranked TOD as one of the best bets for investors three years in a row. Transit is good investment – boosts urban redevelopment “Best Bets 2007”... Global gateways with 24-hour characteristics and mass transportation “have turned into the nation’s investment property meccas.”
Transit gives us more choices, better access, and saves money Using transit instead of driving can save over $9,400 a year
Reduced dependence on oil Transit use saves 4.2 billion gallons of gas a year Gulf oil spill reinforces drawbacks of oil use
How does the public feel? 72% of pro-transit referenda approved in 2009
Questions and Discussion
Citizen’s Guide to Lobbying
A Few Good Points Now (before the session) is great time to talk Less frantic, more casual pace – more quality interaction In person meetings in the district are the most effective type of contact Legislators want to hear from constituents
Making Contact You have the chance to meet in a relaxed atmosphere in your local area—a big bonus! Remember: every visit has an impact!
Be effective Your credibility is important: only present accurate information! Provide compelling information; your job is to persuade You may not be an expert, but you can provide valuable information to legislators Local perspective important
Be informed Who are your legislators? Know the facts about your legislator: political party, occupation, leadership positions, legislative committee assignments Copies of bills Find it all at Indiana General Assembly Web site
Setting Up a Meeting in Your District Call your legislator at local office or home; ask to meet in convenient location Or Approach him/her after community event
At the Meeting Bring an extra copy of the bill you will discuss or informative materials about the issue to support your position Be on time!
Follow-up or letter to legislator with thank you Report on meeting to HEC staff
Who are key players? Rep. Bill Crawford (D-Indy) House Ways and Means Chair Sen. Luke Kenley (R-Noblesville) Senate Appropriations Chair Rep. Terri Austin (D-Anderson) House Roads and Transportation Chair Sen. Tom Wyss (R-Ft. Wayne) Senate Homeland Security, Transportation Chair
Case study: considering community/professional influences & interests Sen. Kenley Harvard-trained lawyer Indiana Senate’s top person on fiscal/tax matters Concerned about efficient & responsible government spending Represents suburban-rural district with growing population and land development
How to Contact Your Legislator By phone: Indiana State Senate or Indiana House of Representatives or
How to Contact Your Legislator If you must leave a message, be sure to include: Your name Your address & city Please (support/oppose) issue or bill number X
How to Contact Your Legislator If by written message: An will be most timely Find legislator’s addresses at A written letter must be sent promptly as the legislative session moves quickly
How to Contact Your Legislator Written letter: The Honorable ____ Indiana Senate / Indiana House of Representatives 200 W. Washington Street Indianapolis, IN 46204
Reach out to others Become a transit advocate in your community More training available
Questions and Discussion
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