Both are transformed Utah Library Association April 24, 2008
The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances. If there is any reaction, both are transformed. Carl Jung
The Library’s work begins by knowing the community.
and then, why our organization exists…this is the Library’s Mission.
Principles guide the way the Library’s work is performed and the way we have chosen to work together…these are the Library’s Ethics.
Brand describes what makes the Library unique… our character.
The Library’s Mission, Ethics and Brand are lasting elements that broadly define who we are and how we do our work.
The Strategic Plan changes every three years, so that the Library can evaluate the needs of the community and be proactive in designing services that will be successful and meaningful in the future.
Because the Strategic Plan flows from the Library’s Mission, Ethics and Brand, the Management Team first reviewed these foundational documents and updated them. Step One
Mission The City Library is a dynamic civic resource that promotes free and open access to information, materials and services to all members of the community to
advance knowledge,
foster creativity,
encourage the exchange of ideas,
build community,
and enhance the quality of life.
The principles that guide our work are
free and open access to information
intellectual freedom
equal access
integrity and transparency
participative management and collaboration
continuous learning
Our brand, the characteristics most recognizable to the community are
a logo and a grassy green color we use in almost all Library publications...
the belief we are a hub, crossroads, town square, community gathering place;
a smart, resourceful and independent approach ;
a value on creating relationships;
With review and commitment to the Mission, Ethics and Brand, the New Strategic Plan could begin to take shape
Step 2 In one-on-one meetings with more than 70 community leaders, hopes for the future of Salt Lake City began to emerge.
We called this list of hopes “Community Outcomes” and crafted the Strategic Plan to demonstrate the Library’s role in transforming the community in those ways that had been expressed to us…
Why use Community Outcomes?
They describe the Library’s value in ways people can understand.
They help focus energy on what people told us was important to the community…we can’t be everything to everyone.
They unlock new creative ideas and inspire the community.
They help us find partners that may already exist to advance these outcomes.
To help identify sources of funding that accelerate success.
To help develop the talents needed in Library Staff.
To help allocate funds and make good decisions.
The Strategic Planning Committee and Library Board sorted over 30 suggested Community Outcomes to arrive at 13. Step 3
Of these, Staff were surveyed and asked …what they would like to work on, what the community needed the most and what the Library could be good at… Step 4
Six outcomes emerged as strongly resonant …with the community, Board and Staff. For each Outcome, strategies and measures were determined by the Strategic Planning Committee… Step 5
early literacy : Every child has an equal chance to succeed. The youngest children in the community have expansive early literacy and early learning opportunities.
Increase the percentage of five-year old children who enter the Salt Lake City Schools ready to learn.
technology access and skills : Everyone in the community has access to computers and the skills to use them.
Decrease the number of Salt Lake City residents who have never used a computer. Increase the technology competency level of those who do.
enjoying life : People make time for entertainment to lighten up, enjoy life and unlock creativity..
Improve ranking on Best Places to Live and Literate Cities indices. Increase the percentage of residents who are cardholders and their frequency of use. Improve overall patron satisfaction with our services.
exploring new ideas: The community openly explores ideas and engages in conversation, discussion and dialogue, especially about ideas they may never have encountered before.
Increase community involvement throughout the City. Increase partnerships and collaborations between City agencies and organizations.
local solutions : Everyone shares a sense of responsibility for the future. The community works together to address challenges and generate innovative solutions to create and sustain the best place to live, and then makes it happen. The focus will be on sustainability and City, State and National urban initiatives.
Improve ranking on U.S City Sustainability Index. Reduce Library and City carbon footprint to the Mayor’s goal. Earn recognition for assistance with Obama, Huntsman and Becker urban initiatives.
bridging divides : The community finds ways to bridge the east/west racial, cultural and socio-economic divide to strengthen our City.
Increase positive perceptions of each other by East and West-side residents. Increase attendance at East-side Library events by West-side residents and vice versa.
We surveyed Staff again to ask if we had it right and if they would commit to the plan. About 94% said yes. Step 6
Step 7 With these outcomes and measures, the Staff brainstormed and prioritized creative, effective and inspired action lists to advance the Strategic Plan.
Step 8 With these Action Plans, the budget was developed which funds the specific projects in the Action Plans.
Step 9 Next, we’ll set targets for each measure, begin working and watch what happens to the measures. If we need to, we’ll make adjustments, experiment and learn as we go.
It is better to ask some questions than to know all the answers. James Thurber