Session 2
Let’s Talk Being a Beginner Remember starting a new program will not be easy. Don’t be afraid to ask questions. Treat yourself kindly. Be patient with your progress. Why Do You Want It? You must be doing this for yourself first.
You Can Do It! Think positively. Start with small steps. Choose realistic goals. Expect some ups and downs. Are You Ready for Change? What I Like About My Current Fitness Choices. What I Don’t Like About My Current Fitness Choices. Problems with Changing My Fitness. Good Things About Changing My Fitness.
Setting Goals SMART Start Small Have Fun Be Realistic Choose What Works for You! Ideas to Get You Moving! What Do You Want to Do? Match Your Interests
Start out slow. 5 to 10 minutes 3 days a week Work up to 45 to 60 minutes, most days of the week. Where to walk. Safe Track, park, side walk, neighborhood What to wear. Comfortable clothes Thick socks Shoes that give you good support.
Be safe. Walk before you eat, or 1 hour after you eat. Drink water. Set less and move more every day. Take the stairs. Park farther away. Walking is just one part of your physical activity plan. Lift weights Make sure you stretch
Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Remember: Expect to lose 1 to 2 pounds a week. This is the safest way to lose weight.
1. Plan to succeed. ◦ Start small. ◦ Make it fun. 2. Choose smart foods every day. ◦ Eat lots of vegetables. ◦ Eat fruit for dessert or snacks. 3. Eat less. ◦ Have smaller helpings. ◦ Have small, healthy snacks. 4. Be active. ◦ Start with 10 minutes. ◦ Spread it out. 5. Get support. ◦ Ask your family and friends to support you.
1. You should be afraid to ask questions about exercising or nutrition? True or False 2. You should start out walking 3 days a week. True or False 3. The safest way to lose weight is to lose about 1 to 2 pounds a week. True or False 4. You should were uncomfortable clothes when walking. True or False 5. Asking your family and friends to support you will help you reach your goals. True or False
1. False - Don’t be afraid to ask questions. 2. True 3. True 4. False - You should were comfortable clothes when walking. 5. True