Understanding Earth Fifth Edition Chapter 14: EXPLORING EARTH’S INTERIOR Copyright © 2007 by W. H. Freeman and Company Grotzinger Jordan Press Siever
Compressional wave ConductionConvection Core-mantle boundary Depositional remanent magnetism DipoleGeotherm Lower mantle Low-velocity zone Mohorovičić discontinuity (MOHO) Paleomagnetism Phase change Principle of isostasy Seismic tomography Shadow zone Shear wave Thermo-remanent magnetization Concepts we will use in this class In bold are the ones I consider most important
Lecture Outline 1. Exploring the interior with seismic waves 2. Layering and composition of the interior 3. Earth’s internal heat and temperature 4. 3-Dimensional structure of the mantle 5. Earth’s magnetic field
Chapter 14 Exploring Earth’s Interior
Background facts about Earth’s Interior The center of the Earth is about 6400 km below us … the deepest well is 10 km. The center of the Earth is about 6400 km below us … the deepest well is 10 km. Heat inside the Earth drives the core’s geodynamo and the mantle’s convection. Heat inside the Earth drives the core’s geodynamo and the mantle’s convection. Earth’s interior is explored by using information from seismic waves and their passage through the body of the Earth. Earth’s interior is explored by using information from seismic waves and their passage through the body of the Earth.
1. Exploring the interior with seismic waves ● Basic types of waves ● compressional (P waves) ● shear (S waves) ●Reflection and refraction ● Reflection and refraction
1. Exploring the interior with seismic waves ● Paths of seismic waves ● wave bending (refraction) ● shadow zones (P and S) ●reflection at internal boundaries ● reflection at internal boundaries
P- and S-wavepaths from an earthquake
P-, S-, and surface wave paths: from focus to seismograph
P-, S-, and surface waves recorded on a seismograph
2. Layering and composition of the interior (a.k.a. Seismology model of Earth’s layers ) ● crust and lithosphere ● asthenosphere ● mantle with internal phase change at 400 km change at 400 km
2. Layering and composition of the interior ● Seismology model of Earth’s layers (continued) (continued) ● core-mantle boundary ● core (inner and outer core)
Earth’slayering revealed by seismology
Earth’smantlestructure beneath an old ocean basin:S-wave velocity to depth of 900 km
3. Earth’s internal heat and temperature ● Heat flow through Earth’s interior ● conduction (lithosphere) ● convection (mantle and core)
Topography of mid-ocean ridges in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans
3. Earth’s internal heat and temperature ● Temperatures in the Earth ● geothermal gradient ● normally 20 to 30º C / km ● º C at base of lithosphere lithosphere ● º C + in core
An estimate of the geotherm: temperature increases with depth in the Earth
4. 3-Dimensional structure of the mantle ● Seismic tomography ● Earth’s gravity field ● The geoid
Mantle structure
The geoid: shape of planet Earth
5. Earth’s magnetic field and the dynamo ● Earth’s dipole field ● complexity of the magnetic field field ● non-dipole field component component ● secular variations in the field field ● magnetic reversals
Change in the location of the Northmagnetic pole from 1600 to 2000
Earth’s magnetic field and the geodynamo
Earth’smagneticfield and the geodynamo
Earth’smagneticfieldreversals: Step 1
Earth’smagneticfieldreversals: Step 2
Earth’smagneticfieldreversals: Step 3
Earth’smagneticfieldreversals: Step 4
5. Earth’s magnetic field and the dynamo ● Paleomagnetism ● records of magnetization ● thermo-remanent ● depositional remanent ● magnetic stratigraphy ● magnetic stratigraphy
Depositional remanent
Magnetic stratigraphy
5. Earth’s magnetic field and the dynamo ● Magnetic field and the biosphere ● magnetic orientation ● magnetic frame of reference ● field offers protection from the solar wind the solar wind