Joint Reinstatement Best Practice UPDATE Rob Lewis Area Manager
Malcolm Page Lafarge Tarmac Chris Douglas Walton Civil Engineering
A specialist 6mm Ultility System developed over 4 years with the “Walton Way” Developed by Lafarge Tarmac and Waltons to be a single surface course solution for carriageway and footpath applications Accredited contractors only “A turning point in ultility re-instatement”
“Devon County Council are happy for the use of Ulti Pro Utility System for the reinstatement of openings in footways and type 3 & 4 carriageways for all work types. Also, the material can be laid in small reinstatements (as defined in the Street works Specification) for type 2 carriageway. The material is tolerant of hand working and helps to ensure that the air void requirements of the specification are met. The material has also been successfully used in Devon to repair safety defects. i.e Pot hole repairs.” Peter Dyer Senior Asset Intelligence Officer Devon County Council Advanced asphalt technology
TITLE o Designed for use in carriageway & footpath o Workable, Durable single re-instatement solution o “protecting the highway asset” o Extends joint durability o Reduces air voids and makes the material easier to compact
Chris Douglas Walton Civil Engineering
Our Aim To work with a bespoke, hybrid, environmentally friendly system that benefits all key professionals in the reinstatement Industry. Ulti Pro Utility is a long awaited turning point that will make a difference in a high demand industry countrywide. A single surface course reinstatement solution which levers efficiencies in every area of a reinstatement business.
TITLE Environmentally friendly Why? Less vehicles utilised Less fuel Less traffic congestion Less tipping of materials Less defects / re-works Improved asphalt plant efficiencies Will reduce carbon footprint
Contractor Competency Presentation of system requirements Partnership Agreement Optional Training Site assessments – reporting Continued support
SROH SW HAUC Improved asset Kier “Line in the Sand” training