Monday 10 May 2010 Plan sales presentations
Sales Presentations Competent and confident presentations are also a major factor in building relationships with customers. What is a sales presentation? Sales presentations may be conducted with individual customers – which is the most common – or with groups. They may be done in-store or at a special display or event. They may to be done off-site, such as in a customer’s home or office, at some public forum (in a shopping mall, in a shopping centre, or at a trade show or public exhibition), or in some targeted setting like a meeting at a club of some sort where those present have a similar interest. Sales presentations vary greatly in nature, complexity and duration.
Planning a sales presentation includes: Finding out the budget available Finding out the required nature of the sales presentation – many sales presentations are part of some overall campaign which frequently has some theme meaning you are obliged to follow it Finding out the location of the sales presentation – the physical location of the sales presentation automatically dictates certain aspects of the presentation. For example, when it can be run, which way it faces, how large it will be, the services available (electricity, gas, lighting, tables), and the obstacles in your way (transport, walls, pillars, doors, windows, pedestrian traffic and flow)
Introduction How will you generate interest to get people’s attention? Options could include: Anecdotes Use of actual examples and product samples Statements of supporting facts Video, PowerPoint or other recorded visual medium A brief, arresting mind-blowing, attention-grabbing demo A guest speaker Media articles Verbal presentation of features and benefits
Body The main part of the presentation and fundamentally involves: Demonstrating the product or service Explaining the features and benefits of the product or service Involving, or engaging, the customer Allowing them to use the product Enabling them to experience the service. Consider: How long will the demo take? What resources – staff, product, consumables – will be needed? How many people will be involved in the sales presentation? What safety and security issues need to be addressed? How will you highlight the features of the product/service and convert them into benefits? Where will you – and the customers – sit or stand during the presentation?
Conclusion In bringing the sales presentation to a conclusion, your aim is to generate sales, or at least capture details of those who may be interested in buying at a future time. Steps include: Recap your main points – these may be the rare quality, the fantastic price, the unbelievable back-up service, the extended warranty, the numerous benefits Advise those present at the sales presentation on their next step if they wish to make a purchase Notify them of the purchase options – which may include cash, cheque, credit or debit card, lay-by or personal/company account Advise them of further future demonstrations and ask them back if they want to experience it again Thank them for their attention and attendance.
Summary Types of promotional materials Promotional materials are available in a wide variety of options: B rochures Price lists C atalogues Flyers Self talkers T ags and labels Samples Mock-ups Dummy cartons Actual product Video and CD presentations Mobile displays
Student activity Design and prepare promotional material Brochure Visuals Props Mock displays Pictures Information