Mercury By: Billy Murillo
Distances Mercury is 28,580,000 miles from the sun Closest planet to the sun Perihelion distance is 10 to the 6th kilometer. Ratio .313 Aphelion distance is 10 to the 6th kilometer. Ratio .489 Mercury is .39 AU from sun
Tempatures Temperature on Mercury's equator can reach 660degree’s f, 350degree’s Celsius. Lowest it can get is -275degrees F. -170degrees Celsius.
Size You can fit 18 Mercury’s into one Earth. Mercury’s diameter is 3,032 miles. 4,879 kilometers. Smallest planet in solar system. Much less mass than Earth. Mercury is slightly smaller than Earth.
Atmosphere and Gravity If you weigh 100kg on Earth, you would weigh 38kg on Mercury. Mercury has 38% force of gravity, compared to Earth. Atmosphere doesn’t have enough gasses to reduce heat.
Orbit Mercury orbits once every 59 Earth days. Mercury goes around the sun every 88 Earth days. Mercury goes around the sun in the least amount of time compared to all the other planets.
Mercury’s Surface Mercury’s surface has many craters. Mercury has a crater called Calor, it has a diameter of 840 miles. Surface is similar to the moons, it has many craters. Mercury is a terrestrial planet.
Composition Mercury has a core of liquid metal. Mercury’s mantle is made of silica. It has a solid outer crust.
Mercury’s Day Mercury’s day is approximately 4,222 Earth hours.
Facts Mercury’s core is 42% of mercury The largest crater on Mercury is Color. Mercury travels 31 miles per second First spacecraft to visit Mercury was Mariner10. Mariner 10 photographed 45% of Mercury’s terrain.
Facts Mercury has no known moons. Mercury's diameter is 40% smaller than Earth’s. Mercury travels around the sun in an oval. Mercury was first photographed on March 29, 1974 Mercury’s diameter is 40% larger than Earth’s.
Mercury cross section