D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 0 The CMOS common-gate amplifier: (a) circuit; (b) small-signal equivalent circuit; and (c) simplified version of the circuit in (b). CMOS common-gate amplifier
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 1 The source follower: (a) circuit; (b) small-signal equivalent circuit; and (c) simplified version of the equivalent circuit. The source follower
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 2 (a) NMOS amplifier with enhancement load; (b) graphical determination of the transfer characteristic; NMOS amplifier with an active load
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 3 NMOS amplifier with an active load (2) (c) transfer characteristic.
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 4 The NMOS amplifier with depletion load: (a) circuit; (b) graphical construction to determine the transfer characteristic; and (c) transfer characteristic. NMOS amplifier with a depletion load
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 5 Small-signal equivalent circuit of the depletion-load amplifier, incorporating the body effect of Q 2. Small-signal equivalent circuit
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 6 (a) The CMOS inverter. (b) Simplified circuit schematic for the inverter. The CMOS inverter
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 7 Operation of the CMOS inverter when v 1 is high: (a) circuit with v 1 = V DD (logic-1 level, or V OH ); (b) graphical construction to determine the operating point; and (c) equivalent circuit. Operation of the CMOS inverter
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 8 Operation of the CMOS inverter when v 1 is low: (a) circuit with v 1 = 0V (logic-0 level, or V OL ); (b) graphical construction to determine the operating point; and (c) equivalent circuit. Operation of the CMOS inverter (2)
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 9 The voltage transfer characteristic of the CMOS inverter. Voltage transfer characteristic
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 10 Dynamic operation of a capacitively loaded CMOS inverter: (a) circuit; (b) input and output waveforms; Dynamic operation
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 11 Dynamic operation (2) (c) trajectory of the operating point as the input goes high and C discharges through the Q N ; (d) equivalent circuit during the capacitor discharge.
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 12 The CMOS transmission gate. CMOS transmission gate
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 13 Equivalent circuits for visualizing the operation of the transmission gate in the closed (on) position: (a) v A is positive; (b) v A is negative. Transmission gate (2)
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 14 (a) High-frequency equivalent circuit model for the MOSFET; (b) the equivalent circuit for the case the source is connected to the substrate (body); (c) the equivalent circuit model of (b) with C db neglected (to simplify analysis). High frequency equivalent model
D. De Venuto,Politecnico di Bari 15 Determining the short-circuit current gain I o /I i. Short circuit current gain