What you Learned (don’t fill out yet!) Bell Ringer Create a KWL Chart about “Earth’s Layers” What you Know What you Want to Know What you Learned (don’t fill out yet!)
LAYERS OF THE EARTH Directions: Fill out at least 4 facts in the “Learned” column from the brainpop video http://www.brainpop.com/science/earthsystem/earthsstructure/
How Many Layers Are There? There are four layers of the Earth: - the crust - the mantle - the outer core - the inner core
Earth Layers K.I.M Chart Key Term Information Memory Cue
Crust The crust is the thinnest (32 km or 25 miles), outermost layer of the Earth The crust is the least dense layer Crust is the coolest layer in temperature Composition: Mostly Silicon (28%) and Oxygen (47%) Connection Think, Pair, Share: If it is the top layer do you think it is the densest or least dense layer?
What Does Crust Look Like? A lot of the crust is hard to see because it is covered by soil, rock and water Anywhere you can see rock, you are seeing the crust of the Earth!!!
What could we compare the crust of the Earth to? Example: It is similar to the peel of an apple in the sense that it is thin and covers the outside of the Earth Think Pair Share—any other ideas?
Continental Crust Makes up continents Light rocks, such as granite Mountains are part of crust that stick out Thicker than ocean crust Granite--
Oceanic Crust Makes up ocean floor Contains dense rock, such as basalt Thinner than continental crust Basalt--
Crust Review: Location: Temperature: Density: Made up of: Thickness:
Mantle The mantle is the thickest layer (1800 miles), located in the middle of the Earth HOT (870-4400 degree Celsius!) More dense than crust Composition: Mostly oxygen (44%), Silicon (21%), Magnesium (22.8%)
What could we compare the Mantle of the Earth to? Example: It is similar to the white part of an apple in the sense that it is the thickest part Think Pair Share—any other ideas?
Mantle The Mantle is HOT (870-4400 degree Celsius!) Ellen video At this temperature the rock begins to melt making the Mantle thick and oozy! Mantle is what bursts out of volcanoes Ellen video
Mantle Review: Location: Temperature: Density: Made up of: Thickness:
Lithosphere Made up of crust and very top of mantle Floats on top of the asthenosphere and slides around slowly Broken up pieces are called “tectonic plates”
ASTHENOSPHERE Hotter, softer layer of rock on which the lithosphere rests Contains convection currents (mantle is constantly rising and sinking)
Core The core is the hottest and most dense layer, located in the center of the Earth Composition: Iron & Nickel Connection Think, Pair, Share: If it is the inner layer do you think it is the densest or least dense layer?
What could we compare the Core of the Earth to? Example: It is similar to the seeds or core of an apple in the sense that it is the center and the hardest/densest part. Think Pair Share—any other ideas?
Outer Core Liquid Oozy, flowing due to high temperature Responsible for magnetic field 1400 miles thick
Inner Core Solid Hard, dense center 800 miles thick Hottest layer So much pressure that despite the hot temperature that would melt the rocks it stays solid.
Core Review: Location: Temperature: Density: Made up of: Thickness:
Layers of the Earth Rap
On back/left hand side of notes draw and label the Earth you see in your hand
On back/left hand side of notes draw and label the Earth you see in your hand Crust Mantle Outer Core Inner Core
Earth Layers Tree Diagram Crust Temperature Density Composition Picture Mantle Outer Core Inner Core
Bell Ringer The Earth is like an egg. Explain this analogy by relating each part of a peach (each layer—shell, egg white, yolk) to each layer of the Earth. How are the Earth and an egg similar in this analogy? Are there any ways, in which the analogy doesn’t fit—that the Earth and peach’s layers are not similar?
Layers of the Earth Rap
Standard S6E5a. Compare and contrast earth’s layers including temperature, density, and composition
EARTH’S LAYERS FOLDABLE Please listen carefully to the following instructions This foldable is a major grade And will be used throughout our six weeks…
Step 1 Materials: 2 Sheets of paper (any color) Coloring pencils Pen or Pencil Scissors Glue Earth’s Layers Foldable Handout (teacher will pass them out….just wait)
Step 2 Now…Take you Earth’s Layers Foldable Handout and color it using the following Color Key: Inner Core- RED Outer Core-RED-ORANGE Lower Mantle-ORANGE Middle Mantle-LIGHT-ORANGE Upper Mantle-YELLOW Oceanic Crust- DARK BROWN Continental Crust- LIGHT BROWN Ocean - BLUE
Step 3 Information: Fill out the 4 boxes using information containing the composition, state of matter, and thickness of each layer from your notes or book.
Step 3 continued…. The Crust Composition: The crust is made of… Thickness: The thickness of the crust is about…km State of matter: The state of matter of the crust is ……(solid, liquid or gas)
Step 4 Cut out the layers of the earth diagram on the dotted line and glue the diagram in your notebook. The Earth Layers title can be glued at the top of the page as well.
Step 5 Cut out and Glue the 4 boxes of information containing the composition, state of matter, and thickness of each layer (make sure you filled it out) on the right or left side of that layer (example: the information for the crust should be in the right or left of the top layer).
Step 6 Cut out and Glue the 12 small words on the correct area of your diagram.
Earth’s Layers
Bell Ringer Why is the inner core the most dense layer? Hint: Think about the density column with the syrup, water, dish soap, and oil that we examined earlier this year
Stations 1. Word Sort: Match term with pictures and definition. When finished, raise your hand. Copy into notebook when correct. When finished, finish homework (Earth Layers Foldable and Questions) 2. U.S.A Test Prep Complete “Geology” assignments. All assignments will be due at the end of January